Scouting Magazine: Trek Tech

On January 14, 2013, in Knots, Reviews, by Administrator

Knots 3D was recently featured in Scouting Magazine’s Trek Tech section.   Scouting Magazine is the official periodical for adult leaders of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA).

This follows the recent mention of Knots 3D in the Ultimate List of Scouting Apps on the Scouting Magazine online blog.



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App Discovery, Knots 3D Rank

On January 11, 2013, in Knots, Reviews, by Administrator

There are some new and not so new services that use metrics other than user ratings to determine the quality of an app.  One of the most popular of these sites was called Chomp.  Chomp was acquired by Apple leading to speculation that Apple will, or may already, use Chomp algorithms in iTunes to assist with app discovery.  Chomp’s proprietary algorithm allows users to search for apps based on what apps do, not just by what they are called. Other discovery sites use varied machine learning algorithms  to evaluate a multitude of factors to come up with a final score.  We are pleased to report that on many of the popular app discovery sites, Knots 3D ranks among the top knot apps and has the highest score on many of these sites.

App Discovery Sites


User Reviews and Ratings

Currently Knots 3D enjoys excellent reviews on the various app stores:

Our goal from the beginning was to make the best knot app available.  We think we have but we still have more knots and features to come!  Thanks for your support, kind words and constructive suggestions!

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Knots 3D v3.0.5 Released

On January 1, 2013, in Knots, Product Announcements, by Administrator

Knots 3D v3.0.0, v3.0.5 for Google Play (12/31/2012, 1/6/2013)

Knots 3D v3.0.5 for iOS (1/11/2013)

Knots 3D v3.0.5 for Amazon (1/10/2013)

Knots 3D v3.0.6 for Barnes and Noble (1/21/2013)


New in this release:

  • 7 new knots: Double Bight Figure 8 (Bunny Ears), In-line Figure 8 (Directional),  Sailor’s Cross, Single Rope Braid, True Lover’s Knot, Turk’s Head
  • Limited localization: Knot names listed in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Korean, and Russian!
  • Alternate knot names (synonyms) shown on list screen (ABoK numbers still available on detail screen)
  • Hyperlinks for navigating between related knots
  • Related knot section shows images for those knots.
  • Zoom in/out on detail text using standard mobile browser mechanisms
  • Inclusion of a Privacy Policy (Short version: We don’t collect any personal information)

Performance improvements and bug fixes including:

  • Correction to Rapala Animation
  • Knot touch interaction (knot should now always spin in the natural direction e.g. with the finger direction, not opposite as sometimes occurred)
  • Knot should not rotate during one finger swipe — only during intended two finger rotate gesture
  • New list view control providing faster transitions between screens
  • Favorites appear immediately in list screen after being selected in detail
  • Hi-res icon for Kindle Fire and Android Tablets
We are very excited to add localized knot names in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Korean, and Russian.  We believe the translations to be accurate but sometimes the English name has no direct equivalent in the target language.  If you think a translation is wrong, can be improved or if there is another common name or synonym for the knot, please let us know or contribute to our crowd sourced translation project at  In addition to the above, other languages are partially complete, e.g. Japanese, Spanish and we hope to include them once they are complete.   The next phase of the project is to localize the category names and navigation buttons.


Available on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon App Store (including Kindle Fire devices), and Barnes and Noble NOOK Store (NOOK Color and NOOK Tablet)

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Knots 3D v2.9.5, v2.9.7 Released

On October 25, 2012, in General, Product Announcements, by Administrator

Knots 3D v2.9.5 for iOS (10/19/12)

Knots 3D v2.9.7 for Google Play (10/24/12)




New in this release:

  • Minor UI changes – Consolidation of Category and Class (renamed to “Type”) into one list separated by section headers. Addition of a “Collection” section header.  Removal of Category/Class selector buttons.
  • Fixed last row not visible/selectable defect

Android Google Play Only:

  • Fixed invalid package issue due to an invalid v2.9.5 apk file being uploaded to Google Play
  • Removed permissions temporarily re-introduced into v2.9.6

Available on iTunes, and Google Play

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BUG FIX SUBMITTED, PENDING APPLE REVIEW: v2.9.1 of Knots 3D was released to the iTunes store 10/9/12 with updates for iOS6 and the new 4″ display on the iPhone 5. Unfortunately it introduced a minor bug on older devices with smaller screens where the last row of the knot list is not reachable or displayed, e.g. Zeppelin Bend. This bug has been fixed and submitted to Apple. We expect it to be approved and available on or around 10/18. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

The Knots 3D Team

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Review: I Use This App

On September 15, 2012, in General, Reviews, by Administrator

Another complimentary review, this time from I Use This App.

Knots 3D by Nynix is a reference app that teaches you how to tie over 80 different types of knots! I don’t know about you, but there’s only ONE kind of knot I know how to tie. If I had to put a name to it, I would just have to call it the “regular” knot, lol… Read More

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Free Promo Extended: Knots 3D on Free App a Day

On September 11, 2012, in General, by Administrator

Knots 3D is one of today’s featured apps on Free App A Day (FAAD)! Knots 3D will continue to be free today (9/11) and tomorrow (9/12).

Thanks to everyone who has downloaded the app during the past two days. The reviews have been encouraging and very fun to read!

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80 Knots for Every Situation : Appgefahren Review

On September 11, 2012, in General, Reviews, by Administrator

A very nice review from the German iPhone Review site Appgefahren.

The entire review in German can be found here: Knots 3D: 80 Knoten für jede Situation

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Art of the iPhone : Knots 3D Shows You How to Tie Knots

On September 10, 2012, in General, Reviews, by Administrator

Another nice mention on the app review site Art of the iPhone.

Every good outdoorsman should know how to tie several different kinds of knots. The right knot could save your life someday. Knots 3D will not only show you how to tie knots via an animation, but also explains how the knot is commonly used and allows you to view the knot in a rotating 3D view. The app features 80 different knots.

Another sweet feature is a full-screen view where you can swipe your finger up or down to see the knot slowly built or undone, so you can take learning at your own pace. You can also pinch and reverse pinch to get a close up/farther away view of the knot. You can save favorite knots for fast access.

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Knots 3D: One Year on the Apple App Store! (Free Promo)

On September 9, 2012, in Knots, by Administrator

Knots 3D debuted on the Apple iTunes store a year ago today (9/9/2011)!  To celebrate we are giving the app away for free today and tomorrow on iTunes and .99 on Google Play.


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