Translation Initiative for Knots 3D

On August 31, 2012, in General, by Administrator

Over the past year we have had numerous requests to translate Knots 3D into user’s native languages. We think it is now time to add internationalization(i18n) to our knot apps. To facilitate the translation process, we are opening up the translation work to our user community. Who better to translate the nuances of knot tying for a particular language than the native speakers of that language. If you would like to participate in the “crowd-sourced” translation/internationalization process, please sign up at

The first task will be to translate the knot names and incorporate them into the app quickly. From there we will work on the user interface followed by the knot descriptions and usage. The initial target languages are Dutch, Japanese(日本語), Spanish(Español), Italian(Italiano), French(Français), German(Deutsch) ,Português, Pусский and 한국어 and 简化中国.

If your native language is not listed but you think you could be of assistance, please contact us at and we can discuss it.

Thank you for your help with this project!

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