User Suggestions

We are constantly asked to add new knots to our knot apps.  We certainly consider all suggestions and try to accommodate them into the app if it makes sense.  We have already implemented dozens of user suggested knots into the app.  The following are outstanding requests that may possibly be added to Knots 3D in a future release.  Feel free to suggest your favorite knot or second a motion for one listed below!  Submit knot requests to  Drawing and animating each knot is time intensive so it may take months before your favorite knot is part of Knots 3D.  Thanks for your patience!  We try to release an update every 6 months with new knots and/or functionality.

User Suggested Knots and Features List

  • Custom Categories. (8) – Add ability to tag or flag certain knots and access them in their own section. Include tags in search.
  • Implement URL Schemes (2) – for deep linking. I was wondering what your app’s url schema/x-callback was to launch it? I tried knots3d:// and several variations of that but had no luck.
  • Add the ability to have a QR Code take you to a specific knot animation. I would use that to show what knot to tie for training scouts or stowing items. Use a url scheme?
  • Keyword Search (2) – Include keywords for each knot in the search function. For example, I want to bring up a knot that I have in my mind but can’t recall the name of, but I recall it being used to secure an “animal to a post.” If I type “animal” in the search, it would be neat if all the knots that have the word animal somewhere in the text body would magically show up. Another example is a “climbing” knot or similar.
  • Sync favorites and settings between devices (8). e.g via iCloud or other cloud service
  • Export/Import favorites between devices – every time I reset my phone or switch to a new one, I have to re-enter my favorites again.
  • Improved Search / Natural Language search (2) – If possible, create a search where if I have a certain need I can enter it into the search and find corresponding knots for that application, i.e. “need a knot for a ridge line” and the app will lead you to appropriate knots. 
  • Save the knot orientation the way I left it rather than resetting to the default orientation. e.g. if I have the knot mirrored and flipped, it should be that way the next time I go to that knot. I want to see it in my preferred orientation by default.
  • Make the secondary language selectable instead of just English.(2)
  • Make it possible to switch between languages from any page (not just from the main page)
  • Show knots tightened (10) – Not all knots are shown tightened and dressed.
  • Add direction arrows to show which ends need to be pulled to tighten a knot. Just a suggestion as the demos run of a knot the rope pattern is stationary when the knot is pulled together. This rendered image could benefit from direcƒtion arrows on the correct part showing us which end of rope is being pulled. A toggle on/off feature for this would be nice to keep the image clean and not cluttered. 
  • Option to change the rope to a solid color and change colors at every overlap so it’s easier to see.
  • I’d like to be able to swipe left to go back (2) – instead of using the return arrow in the top left corner to go back to the previous page
  • Add Magic Keyboard trackpad support for iPad Pro and latest iPad Air
  • Would it be possible to add, to all knots, what each are good for/used for? You have it on some but, not all.
  • Custom sort / user defined re-ordering (5) – Allow favorites to be sorted/grouped by category or arranged by user’s preferred order.
  • Mastered List (4) – Consider adding a feature where the user can check off a knot that has been mastered so that they can track their learning.  Add the “mastered” tab and check boxes that are in the Army Ranger app you have developed. This is already a stellar app, but this would improve it if I could keep track of the knots I’ve mastered.
  • Hide Mastered – It would be cool if you could hide the knots you have learned in the app so that I don’t always have to search through the whole list of knots when learning new ones.
  • Random “quiz and verify” feature (4) – Quiz or some other way to prove someone has mastered a knot. Today, I went through a couple of knots and thought that it would be great to have a page or a tab which allows you to be examined on your knots. Basically just a page which will show a random knot name out of a list of knots marked as „want to learn“, which you then can tie with a rope and then click „Show Knot“ which will bring you to the usual knot page. This allows you to double check it you have tied it correctly.
  • To get really fancy a spaced repetition algorithm could be added that sends you a notification every so often to repeat the knot.
  • Add whippings/indicators to illustrate the free ends (3) –  This would clear up some ambiguity in some of the knots.
  • Be able to add personal notes to any knot. (7)  e.g.  I’d add a note in the Marlinspike Hitch to remind me to “keep the overhand knot away from the load to avoid slippage”. The user notes would be freeform text and searchable. I wanted a reference that I could keep off-line for when I am camping, etc.  I love the history and information that you have for each not but it would be great for the user to be able to save notes for each knot so that if there is a specific context in that they want to use the knot in, it is easy to note. Additionally, the information in the notes should be searchable (as in, they show up in the results when using the main search function, but maybe under a separate header). Another Detailed request: A way to add our own notes, links etc might be handy. I’m thinking of adding private messages to our own app, to avoid spam perhaps? For example, i’ve often struggled with remembering the initial direction of the bowline, getting it right maybe 70% of the time. Recently, i found a Youtube video that shows another way of doing it- where the starting position of the hands is the key. I found that much easier to remember, and would like to keep the link (or a note of it) under the bowline knot, for offline reference. Of course, i’d love to recommend the suggestion to othet Knots3d users too, but then it’s tricky how you deal with all that. So, for now, personal notes might be good enough?
  • Add knot efficiency/strength to knots info where known – it would be really awesome to know how the knots affect the strength of the ropes. Example if my rope was rated for 5000 pounds and I put a bowline in it it would only be rated for about 70 percent of that 5000 pounds.  
  • Fishing knot strength.  See  Standardised scale at the end of each knott showing strength. I’m learning fishing, and I want to use the strongest knots it would be really handy if they were rated out of 5 for strength etc.
  • Knot type definitions/ classifications (3) – Would it be possible to add information explaining the types of knots (hitch, bend, etc)? It would help knowing what solution to look for when one understands the purpose of these different types, as a beginner in knots.
  • I’d be really interested in seeing a “Task” tab added (next to Categories, Favourites, etc). a task might be “Gill Net”. There might be one knot to tie onto the top line, another to make the meshes of the net, etc.  Or perhaps it could be just one knot that achieves a goal, but with a couple of alternative knots listed too. The rationale being sometimes you want to get something done, and don’t know where to start.
  • Examples and use cases (10) – add real world common examples for each knot (for example: x knot most commonly used to x, y or z. In other words real use cases.
  • Some sort of a Problem/solution/application section would be great cross referenced by knot.
    What people often want, I think, is a few workable solutions to problems and not just lists of knots which is what other knot apps are. If you did this, I would avoid too many combinations and concentrate of the “best” combos. Obviously, that would be up to the designer’s opinion and you won’t please everyone.  
    • For example, for the hypothetical problem “Tent/tarp lines” give 2 or maybe 3 examples and stop there.
      • Tent/tarp lines: Bowline + Blake’s hitch Trucker’s Hitch. Good for larger tents, canopies and heavier rope. Under Bowline, Blakes and Trucker’s would be a reference back to Tent/tarp lines.
    • Lift a box – Portuguese Bowline
    • Tie up a bedroll – Canadian Jam
  • Have a section that directs a neophyte knot person (like myself) to find the correct knot for a situation. Here is an example that I dealt with this morning. I want to tie a tarp on top of the tonneau cover of my truck. The tarp has eyelets and the tonneau cover has cleats. My goal is to make it tight and keep it from loosening at highway speeds. None of the built-in categories jumps out as “obvious” for this sort of thing. And although each knot has a good detail when you tap on the knot, I end up getting lost and confused and simply don’t know what to use. Now that I’ve presented my use case, I’m not clear on how you could best implement this. Perhaps a section that says has situations (like the one I described) and a list of knots that might be useful. 
  • Add a “Knot of the Day” notification (2). Just like a language vocabulary learning app, you could push a knot of the day to notifications, it would help people familiarize themselves with knots they might not have seen before.
  • Just wanted to send an app suggestion for adding a random button that will show a random knot. Sometimes it’d be nice to “quiz” myself with a random knot to see if I can tie it or just to learn or practice a knot at random. Perhaps tie in to the “Knot of the Day” request.
  • Add a [scroll right] indicator next to the Categories, Favourites, etc? Writing this email, i just discovered there was a ‘Recently Added’ section!
  • Create an Apple Watch version of the app (2)
  • Redo the Knots 3D app icon and make it similar in style to the Army Knots icon (flat design)? And also with iOS 18 to make an icon capable of managing black icons with night mode?
  • Add a rope access category – show knots commonly used in Industrial Rope Access.
  • Electrical lineman categoryadditional knot list
  • Add a whipping category and more types of whippings (3)
  • Add a dedicated Fly Fishing Category
  • Paracord category (11) – lanyards, bracelets, pull tabs, tool slings
  • Farm and Ranch category (2) – knots used on the farm and with animals
  • Add pronunciation to each knot name.  add pronunciation? For example:   Is it Bo-Lynn or bow-line?
  • Add a Rigging category with rigging knots (2) – tag lines. one hand or quick release knots for tag lines
  • Add a Construction Knots category (2) – From Anthony C. – “there are millions of construction workers and there is no category for them. All of the apprentice classes from the union crafts have to learn dozens of knots”
  • New category for surgeon’s knots.
  • Medical Knot Category
  • Sewing Knots
  • Slackline knot category – Soft Shackle Button Knot, Wedlock tie-off method, butterfly coil
  • Add Jamming/Non jamming category (2) – Add new categories to the main menu and also on individual knot pages. it is very important for choosing the right knot.
  • Shoelace knot category and more shoelace knots (10) – various methods for people who like to wear stylish shoes.  e.g.   Russian (See Email): Узел двойной скользящий, Узел Айна Фигена, Узел хирурга (или шерпы)
  • Add a webbing section (3) – a section dedicated to knots for webbing and knots shown using webbing
  • Decorative Handle wraps – e.g. a section on wrapping handles for knives axes etc
  • More decorative knots
  • Hair Braids category
  • Zeppelin family category – Please consider adding a zeppelin family of knots. Granted it’s a small family, but I find these much superior to the standard bowline family of knots: stronger, far less likely to slip, do not jam even under very high loads. The useful knots are:
    • Zeppelin bend (already in the app)
    • Zeppelin shackle
    • Zeppelin (Rosendahl) Loop (10) – fixed loop. Making a secure, jam resistant, fixed size loop at one end of a line. As a non-tightening loop that can be easily released even after heavy use. Popular for alpine climbing. One of the few loop knots suitable for bungee. Easy to untie. video  video German: Zeppelin Schlaufe
  • Remote release knots category and knots. e.g. Remote Release Lift Hitch
  • One-handed Knots category – be able instantly to identify readily those which I, as a person with disabilities, could use without having to resort to … errr … unusual methods (like knees, teeth and toes!)
  • Suggest lengths of rope for say a one inch monkeys fist, or woggle etc…. Pome paracord bracelet ties would be cool also. 
  • Can you please put a tag or reference on some of the fishing knots as to what line please , ie red = mainline and blue = leader or vice versa , could you please possibly put it in the the first line of the text ?
  • Hammock Knots (2)
  • Is it possible to add a toggle to reverse the swiping control? I find the current configuration counter intuitive.
  • Dual panes and animations – It might be a great feature to be able to run/compare  two different knot animations in tandem, such as in a “double window”, specifically where they are related. For example, (1) running a clove hitch and a constrictor in tandem or (2) running an Eskimo loop alongside a Kalmyk.
  • Export Function – An export function would be nice. Possibly in pdf or jpg format.
  • Sorting – Could you possibly add a sorting option/category that would let us see the knots listed from most basic ones to most complex ones?
  • Vias Ferrata category – erian tener algun apartado para nudos en vias ferratas, se usan pocos y normalmente son para solventar situaciones. TRANSLATION: They must have some section for knots in via ferratas, they are used in few cases and are normally used to solve situations.
  • Diamond Hitch (4) – securing parcels to a rack or backpack or lashing a load to a pack animal.  It shows how to make ‘springs’ that keep tension on the load. The idea can be used elsewhere, e.g. secure a load to a Travois, sled, wagon, truck car roof, etc.   Video
  • Backhand Hitch variation – ABOK #1725 Great hitch as an anchor for tying down loads for transport.  Video
  • Farmer’s Loop / Wireman’s Loop (5) – An easy way to make a loop in the middle of a rope.  Can be used just like the alpine butterfly loop and is said to be easier to undo after loads of tension. video (Also see email for video demonstration by Dan D.)
  • Middleman’s Loop – A fixed loop in the middle of a rope.  Looks superficially like the Alpine Butterfly but is different.  Dutch: Middenmans knoop
  • Artillery Loop / Manharness knot / Harness Loop (9), The artillery loop  is a knot with a loop on the bight for non-critical purposes. The artillery loop must have the loop loaded or it will slip and contract easily. It is an inferior knot to the alpine butterfly knot, possibly dangerously so, in that it can be yanked out of shape and turn into a running knot or noose. It is a knot with a loop on the bight for non-critical purposes.  May also be known as the “Sockeye” or “Sally oh” (User sent screenshot from a knot book with these names).  Chinese: 背縴結, Spanish: Barrilete (see email attachment) / Nudo arnés de hombre,  Portuguese: Nó de arnês, Dutch: gareelsteek/artillerieknoop video, video2
  • Gnat Hitch (10) – simple, jam-resistant, non-slipped, noose-like hitch that maintains excellent security all with one pass of rope around the object. Simple, easily tied hitch for attaching rope end to a pole, rail, etc. Like Buntline hitch but jam resistant. Very compact hitch. Easy to tie around small objects.  Apparently a relatively new knot. link
  • Double Turle Knot (3) – The Turle Knot is used while fishing to tie a hook or fly to a leader.  Fly fishing (Fliegenfischen).  German: Doppelturtle Knoten
  • J Knot (3) – Fishing
  • Classic Tie Knots (4) – Add maybe 5-6 of the most common tie knots would be nice! Video
  • Shelby / Pratt Knot (8) – Necktie knot – versatile, elegant and of a medium size, between the Four-in-Hand Knot and the Half Windsor Knot.   Easy and unique because you tie it with your necktie upside down.  Devised by Don Shelby.  Video.  Russian: Шелби
  • Four-in-hand – Necktie Knot
  • Bow Tie (8) – Formal men’s bow tie knot. link
  • Tarp Knot – Bushcraft – Slide and grip knot to tighten the rope for a tarp tent.  Video German: Spannknoten fürs Tarp
  • Tarp Taut Hitch (2) – Bushcraft – Used in conjunction with the Siberian Hitch (Evenk Knot) to secure a tight and evenly pitched tarp.
  • Arrowhead Hitch – improvement on the standard taut-line hitch
  • Falconer’s knot (14) – Used to attach bird of prey to a ring on glove, therefore must be able to be tied with one hand. Also must be releasable in one direction (human) but not the other (the bird). Also good for tying horses (Topologically the same knot as the Halter Hitch). German: Falknerknoten.  Video, link
  • Halter Hitch / Mule Hitch (11) – quick release knot – useful in tying the lead rope, which is attached to the halter, to a post or hitching rail.  The benefit of the halter hitch is that it can be easily released by pulling on one end of the rope, even if it is under tension. Useful around the camp site or outdoors and makes a good anchor for running a tarp line.  Tie hammock to tree, secure ridgelines, securely tie animal to post, secure quick release hitch. Standard way to tie off on rope when canyoneering. Topologically the same knot as the Falconer’s knot (same knot, but one handed.  See Falconer’s Knot above.)
  • Horse tethering knots (4) .  e.g. Quick Release (email image from michel mueller).  French: nœud d’attache cheval, German: Pferdeknoten
  • Fiador Knot / Theodore Knot (8) Usage:  Maritime, Horses. Hackamores, Livestock HaltersVideo
  • Knotted halter (2) – Horse halter made from one piece of cord.  The most commonly seen halter these days, some people make them in a flash.  Starts with a fiador knot below the jaw…
  • Horse Halter – Spanish: cabezales para caballos
  • Canoeman Knot (3) – Fishing, tying lures to fluorocarbon or mono.  Video
  • Hasty Harness (5) – used to tie a temporary lifting harness out of a single piece of webbing (similar to Swiss Seat).  Video French: Harnais
  • Webbing Harness (1) – used to tie a temporary lifting harness out of a single piece of webbing (variation of the Swiss Seat)  
  • Chest Harness (2) – Firefighter’s human rescue knot. German: Brustbund & Pfahlstich, Russian: Грудная обвязка, Верхняя обвязка
  • Japanese Seat / Japanese Chair – Similar in purpose to Swiss Seat. An improvised seat widely used in rappelling, climbing and rescue. Portuguese: Cadeira Japonesa
  • American Seat / American Chair – Similar in purpose to Swiss Seat. An improvised seat widely used in rappelling, climbing and rescue. Portuguese: Cadeira Americana
  • imbracatura uomo (Man Harness) – used to pull people out of the rubble, or transport them by makeshift cableways, or to lift people vertically.  Italian: Nodo Imbracatura.  Video see 2:38
  • Rope Ladder Knot, Field Expedient Rope Ladder, Ladder Lashing (2) – impromptu wall or obstacle climbing.  Video
  • Rope Ladder (Version 2) (2) – “Rope only” ladder.  Video  Italian: Scala di corda
  • Evenly spaced overhand knots – climbing a rope or making a series to measure knots nautically. Coil the whole length then pull pertinent end through the coil resulting in evenly spaced overhand knots in the entire length of the rope.
  • Scaffold Hitch / Plank Hitch / Stage Hitch / Board Knot / Swing Knot (3) – A Hitch used to tie a pole/plank to suspend it horizontally. Russia Scouts advance standard requirement. video, video 2, German: Brettschlaufe
  • Wrap 3 Pull 2
  • High Strength Tie Off – improved version of the tensionless hitch video
  • Two Paw Knot
  • Keychain knots (boondoggle?)
  • Egg Loop Knot / Bait Loop Knot / Bumper Knot  (26) – for securing fish eggs or big baits (roe) to a fishing hook. hook tying to monofilament with bait holding loop. commonly used for salmon/steelhead fishing in the Northwest.  Modified Snell Knot.
  • Double Egg Loop Knot – fishing
  • Egg Loop with Double Hook – holding a yarn ball or egg sack bait.  video
  • Sliding Snell Knot
  • Snell (Uni Version) – Fishing.  video
  • Easy Snell Knot (3) – Fishing – Tie fishing line to an eyeless hook (can also be tied with eyed hooks of the eye is bent outward). Japanese: 外掛け結び(イージー・スネル・ノット)link, video
  • Crossover uni knot – Fishing.  Tying braid to a spool
  • Knotless Knot / Hair Rig (8) Usage:Carp and catfishing.   This is an extremely widely used fishing knot used to attach a hook with a hair to attach a bait. It’s taken carp fishing by storm over the past 20 years. Fox guide to the knotless knot:, Video 1,  Video 2
  • Improved Albright Knot / Modified Albright knot (2) – Fishing – join two lines together
  • Hangman’s Knot / Hangman’s Noose / Jack Ketch knot (50)  –  lanyards, handle tie, duck call tie, bundle tie. Spanish: nudo del verdugo, Nudo del ahorcado / French: Noeud du Pendu, du pendu (noeud coulant) / German: Henkerknoten, Galgenknoten, Galgenstrick / Italian: NODO IMPICCATO, nodo dell’impiccato, Portuguese: Nó de forca, Czech: americká popravčí smyčka, katovská smyčka
    nodo scorsoio semplice  , Russian: Линча
  • Spider Hitch (7) – Double line fishing knot. Fishing Leader. Video
  • Offshore Swivel Knot / Cat’s Paw (2) – fishing, used to attach Swivels to line. An ideal choice for connecting big swivels to heavy line. Easy to tie, very fast, and ridiculously strong, it can hold even when one leg breaks during a fight!
  • Bimini Twist (31) – Fishing – Used for making leaders, offshore fishing. video
  • Australian Braid Knot – Fishing.  Video
  • More splices (6).  German: DornenSpleiß, Ringspleiß, Kauschenspleiß, Ösenspleiß, Verbindungsyteme Spleiß.
  • Eye Splice (56) – e.g. eye splice/loop splice, 3 strand eye splice,Video ,  Permanent loop.  Can be used for securing to a deck cleat and also for attaching to a snap swivel et.
  • Wire rigging splices (2) – like a Liverpool eye splice with a Becket, or the Toledo loop splice
  • 6 wire splice
  • Short Splice (6)- permanently joining two ropes. Italian: impiombatura giunzione (3 trefoli).  Video
  • Locked Brummell Splice / McDonald Brummel Splice (4)- creating a loop in ant braided hollow core rope. Amsteel, Dyneema. For making a soft eye, locking the splice with economical use of rope length.  Video
  • Liverpool splice in strand rope 6 – hawser mooring.  Swedish: Liverpool splize, tross 6 kardel (förtöjningstross)
  • Three Strand Thimble Splice – Rigging, Anchors, Docklines.  video
  • 8-Strand Class 1 Eye Splice – for tying a ship to a quay or for lifting and pulling heavy objects.  Danish: Øjesplejsning 8 flettet trosse.   Video
  • Thompson knot (2) – Vertical Harness
  • Star Knot / Single Strand Star Knot (2) example, video , French – nœud de l’étoile
  • Chinese button knot (6), Decorative – Similar to Diamond Knot.  Used as Buttons on Chinese Women’s Qi-pao dress (aka Cheongsam) and Sun Yat Sen Men’s Coat.  (Turkish:İp ortasında düğme ).  Chinese: 纽扣结
  • Chinese Good Luck Knot – Decorative – for good luck and rope endings. video
  • Panchang Knot and more Chinese knots
  • Wall Knot / Two Strand Wall Knot (4) – Finished end on a rope.  Make a lanyard using a single strand. Similar to crown knot except the ends come out upwards instead of downwards. A stack of 3 wall knots finished with a crown knot to finish is a nice ending.  Video
  • Double Crown Knot
  • 2-strand Crown Knot / Japanese Crown Knot – cargo net construction or climbing net.  video (A series of friendship knots).
  • Three-part crown knot – Forms two secure, nonadjustable loops.
  • Crown Sinnet (2) – decorative and in making string bags. video
  • Zipper Sinnet – Paracord bracelets and cord storage. Quick deployable alternative to the chain sinnet. Video
  • Man Knot
  • Paracord bracelets, survival bracelet (23)  noeud de survie pour faire des bracelets (Spanish: pulsera de supervivencia)
  • Paracord bracelet key ring,
  • Fish-Tail – Paracord Bracelet
  • Paracord slingshot
  • Lanyard Knots – shark jaw, Solomon Bar (3) ( about 8 variations ), box, ladder, etc
  • Cobra Lanyard Knot – Neat knot for lanyards, e.g., military shoulder lanyards. The Cobra Knot (Solomon Bar or Portuguese Sinnet) (ABOK # 2496, p 401.) is one of the commonest lanyard knots. It is very widely used in military shoulder lanyards and in many macrame patterns. (The same tehnic uses Victorinox on their original lanyards for Swiss Army Knives. – the lanyard pendant have multiple use too. From small storage make larger rope in emergency or need. Decent long rope looking on small storage and with great weight and strong characteristics if used the thoughest rope, paracord, Nylon, poliester …) Video
  • Cobra Knot / Cobra stich knot / Cobra Weave/Braid, Lanyard/Paracord(19) – Decorative. Used for bracelets and decoration, Creating a handle  German: Kobraknoten,  video, Portuguese: Nó Cobra
  • King Cobra knot (3) – Paracord Bracelet (German: Königskobraknoten)
  • Cobra Belly – Decorative, Paracord.  Portuguese: Barriga de Cobra
  • Ranger Bead – Paracord.  Decorative knot used on lanyards and to make an adjustable bracelet opening (cinch bead).  Video
  • Eternity Knot – Paracord.  Ornamental knot that symbolizes a never ending cycle.
  • Slatt’s Rescue Belt / Paracord Belt – A quick deploy paracord belt that can be unraveled in seconds.  Named after Phillip Slattery.
  • Sailmaker’s whipping (9) – ABOK #3448, Bind the end of a rope to keep it from unravelling.  Better method of whipping than common. Whip the end of a multi core rope. Will not slip off end and works well through blocks.  Video, video .   Russian: Парусная марка, Dutch: Zeilmakerstakeling
  • Perfected whipping / Improved whipping – Improved version of the common whipping that eliminates the harsh elbows.  Page 42 of GB Knots and Ropework.  Russian: Усовершенствованная марка
  • Autoblock /Machard knot (5) – Friction Hitch used in rappelling/abseiling.  A kind of prusik knot that provides less friction than a Klemheist and quicker to tie than the ordinary prusik knot. Perfect for backing up an abseil.  Similar to Klemheist but uses a carabiner.  Video
  • French prusik (7) – Rappelling Security.   French: Machard tréssé, Machard Tressé , noeud d’escalade auto bloquant.
  • Noeud Francais – auto blocant (same as klemheist?)
  • Trucker’s hitch with Prusik and quick release (2) – Rapid deployment ridgeline. Video (See towards the end)
  • Improved Trucker’s Hitch / Locking Trucker’s Hitch / Auto-ratcheting trucker hitch / Auto-lock Trucker’s Hitch (7) – several techniques to improve upon standard trucker’s hitch.  Incorporates a Blackwall hitch. Add extra turn to maintain tension.  video , Add a locking Finish with halter hitch and locking half hitch: video
  • Automatic Trucker’s Hitch – Trucker’s Hitch variation that automatically locks off the tension you apply to it.
  • In-line Automatic Trucker’s Hitch(2) – Another Trucker’s Hitch variation that automatically locks off the tension you apply to it like a ratcheting mechanism.  video  Russian: Грузовая петля, водительский (курьерский) узел с автоматической блокировкой натяжения 
  • American Tension Knot – Another version of the Trucker’s Hitch using a slipped figure 8.   Russian: Американский натяжной узел.  Portuguese: NÓ DE TRAÇÃO AMERICANO.  Video
  • Japanese Tension Knot – Another version of the Trucker’s Hitch.  Russian: Японский натяжной узел .  Portuguese: Nó de tração JAPONÊS.   Video=
  • Cornell Hitch – Arborist. video
  • Catalyst Hitch (2) – Arborist friction hitch. video, video 2
  • Enzyme Hitch – Arborist. video
  • RBS Knot – Friction Hitch – Friction Hitches for Single rope technique (SRT)
  • Stunsail knot / Studdingsail Halyard BendHalyard Bend (5) The knot is essential to tie a halyard to a gunter (on a Drascombe Lugger for example). The knot is a reliable and versatile knot that is used in sailing, mountaineering and other areas. The knot does not slip or untie under load, and can be easily adjusted to the desired size and tightening. This knot is durable, reliable and relatively easy to untie. It can be used to create loops, adjustable loops and tie a rope to a fixed object.  Russian: Лисельный узел, link, video
  • Topsail Halyard Bend / ABOK #1697 – Sailing. Named after the name of the sailing gear for which it is used. It is an old sailing knot and a secure hitching knot. It has the characteristic that the more tension that is put on the line the more the rope cinches down on the bitter end. Russian: Фаловый узел, link
  • Mahseer Knot (best for specimen fisherman)
  • French Knot (Decorative knot)
  • Butterfly Coil/Backpacker’s coil/Climber’s Coil (9) – Method used by climbers for storing and transporting a climbing rope. Video, video  German: Leinen aufschieße, Norwegian: Klstretau-kveil
  • Gasket coil with Figure 8 Finish – video
  • Scout Coil – Rope storage.  Japanese: 棒結び
  • Kiwi Coil – Mountaineering. Video
  • Over Under Coil (2) – Electric cords, cables and rope care. Cable Management. Prevents tangles. video
  • Figure 8 coil (2) – tangle free coiling method that eliminates twists in the rope. video video
  • Figure 8 Flake – Rope Care
  • Army style wireman’s knot (4) – forms a fixed loop in the middle of the rope, similar to the butterfly knot.
  • Sinnet knots, 3,4,5 strand (aka: Sinnet, Sennit, Synet) (2)
  • Radium Release Hitch (11) – Mountain Rescue – A radium release hitch is a load-releasing hitch using 3:1 mechanical advantage which is used in a two-rope technical rescue system. The Radium Release Hitch allows a load to be transferred from one rope to another and is commonly rigged into the belay line prior to the operation of a two-rope technical rescue system. Video: Radium Release Hitch, CMC Video
  • Mountain Rescue Knot (3) – Climbing/Rescue, makeshift mountain rescue (German: Bergrettungsknoten see email)
  • Monster Mule
  • Mule-overhand – for tying-off belays
  • Лиановый узел (English name? Similar to Butterfly Bend. Both listed here)
  • Strangle Knot (7) – to tie up sacks to prevent their contents from spilling out. Also a binding knot used in climbing, usually to a carabiner.  Similar to the constrictor knot.  Also slipped version
  • Constrictor knot in the bight (folding/twisting method) (3) – A constrictor knot you can slide over a post or rail. Video
  • Boa Knot (2) – (German: Boa Knoten) – Can be used in place of the Constrictor knot
  • Miller’s Knot (15) – Several versions (ABOK 1241, 1242).  Usage: surgery, closing off mouth of a bag. Tie off sandbags.  Also slipped version.  Video Russian: Мельничный узел , Spanish: nudo de molinero, French: Cabestan Croisé, Japanese: 粉屋結び, German: Müllerknoten
  • Sack Knot/Bag Knot / (3) – ABOK 1244 Closing off mouth of a bag. Also slipped version.
  • Bag mouth knot (2) – to tie bags closed. Based on an overhand knot with top of bag tucked. See email attachement from Lars N.
  • Vice Versa Knot / Vice Versa Bend / Bungee Bend (10) – Invented by Harry Asher. Variation of the Reever Bend. Useful when binding 2 different materials and particularly useful joining bungee cord or elastic material. Works especially well in slippery lines, such as wet leather, or elastic lines. (page 62 of Geoffrey Budworth’s book THE ULTIMATE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF KNOTS AND ROPEWORK. 2003)  Video
  • Double Reever Knot
  • Simple Simon Under (6),  Swedish: Enkel Simon under Similar to a sheet bend but much better. Bend knot for ropes of unequal size.  Video
  • Simple Simon Over (4),  Russian: академический узел, альпинизм , рыболовля  Video
  • Simple Simon Symetrical (2)
  • Simple Simon Double – The Simple Simon Double is another variation of the Simon Bends. Invented by Harry Asher.  Video
  • Shake Hands bend
  • Sinnet Bend
  • Bowline Stopper (Bowline, with the loop cinched tight to remove loop space)
  • Bachmann (Prussik with Carabiner) (14) – Climbing/rescue.  Italian: Nodo bachmann, German: Karabinerklemmknoten  Video
  • Chinese Clover Leaf Knot (Three ring Knot) (2)
  • Celtic Heart Knot (3) – Decorative
  • Celtic Infinity Knot – Decorative.  German: Keltischen Unendlichkeits-Knoten. Video
  • Twizzle Rig – very useful sailing joint for downwind cruising with twin jib. The rig is called “twizzle rig” and the universal joint in the heart of that rig is called “twizzle joint”.  The videos #; 1, 4 and 8 provide illustration of the joint construction.
  • Saltwater Fishing knots
  • Macramé category and knots (5) – decorative.  German: Makramee – Verschluss- und Schmuckknoten, Spanish: macramé
  • Drop Shot / Dropshot Knot / Drop Shot Rig (5) – fishing knot. video  German: Dropper Loop DS-Knoten
  • T Knot / T-Knot – Fishing. Similar to the dropper knot. Video
  • Bookbinder Knot  – for tying one thread to another to lengthen thread to continue sewing book signatures. Preferred because the knot is very small.   Video
  • Tony Pena Knot (5) – Fishing, Italian: Nodo Tony Pena. A bend between different diameters and materials (eg trace and fluorocarbon)
  • Bobber Stopper Knot – Fishing stopper knot based on triple overhand knot German: Stopperknoten
  • Двойной проводник  Video  German: Doppelte Rettungsschlinge
  • Eight Strand Double Edge Flat Sinnet (ABOK #2996) Decorative
  • 8 Strand Gaucho Braid, Decorative
  • Star Knot, Decorative
  • Pineapple Knot (2) – Decorative.  Portugues – pinha de ananás  link
  • Threaded Double Bowline / Rethreaded Bowline on a Bight (7)  Climbing.  Alternative to the re-threaded figure eight. Final form same as bowline on a bight. German: Doppelter Bulin, Doppelter Bulin Knoten gesteckt.  Video
  • Fishing net knots / Netting Knots (5) – Net making knots.  Video, video Japanese: 二重蛙た結び, 普通の蛙またむふび (double frog knot and ordinary frog knot)
  • Centauri and Double Centauri (4)- Fishing Knots. Tying hooks to fishing line. Especially useful for heavy leaders.  German: Centauri-Knoten Video
  • Ships decorative bell rope
  • German: Falknerknoten  Video
  • Drawstring Knot, (Exact Name unknown as per Gregg Alley email, photo attached.)
  • Splices for tech 12 rope (2)
  • Easy FG Knot (2) – Strongest Braid to Leader Fishing Knot
  • Peixet (French) (3) – Fishing Knot used to connect braid and fluorocarbon.  Video  Same/Similar to FG Knot?    (FG, Dyneema).  French: Nœud Peixet
  • Sledge Knot (4) – Bear Grylls – “You won’t find how to tie a sledge knot in any book or manual but its used by dogsledders as a really efficient self-tightening knot that will never come undone.” link  Video
  • Various Plaits (2) e.g. Ocean Plait, kruisknoopplatting, kruisplatting, schildknoopplatting, schildknoopplatting-kruisknoopplatting, hielingsteekplatting, platte knoop
  • Ocean Plait / Ocean Mat (3) – decorative mat.  German: Ozeanmatte
  • Square Mat – decorative mat
  • How about knots for different types of materials,i.e. nylon webbing, thicker type ropes, etc?
  • Add an indicator with a arrow or similar, the direction of load for instance on the icicle hitch.
  • Double Bowline – Used in climbing ( Italian: Bulino doppio, Nodo alternativo al Savoia inseguito )
  • Two Strand Matthew Walker Knot / True Lover’s Knot (3) –  decorative knot that can be used for zipper pulls or a lanyard.  
  • Matthew Walker knot / ABoK 678 (12) – Used by the Navy. A decorative knot that is used to keep the end of a rope from fraying.  German: Matthew Walker Knoten, Einfacher Taljereepsknoten
  • Double Matthew Walker knot (2) – Decorative.  French: Noeud de Ride.  Video
  • Purcell Prusik (5) – Rope Rescue/SAR/Climbing/Canyoneering. Can be used as a personal anchor tether or in emergency situations an ascender. An extendable cowstail safety line.  link video
  • Cow’s Tail – rope access. video
  • Doppelter HMS-Knoten – Bremsknoten bei schweren Lasten – für die “Spezielle Rettung aus Höhen und Tiefen” SRHT Feuerwehr
  • Sling Knot / Schleifknoten / HMS-Fixierknoten (5) – Used in climbing to secure a Munter Hitch.  (HMS).  Video Dieser Knoten begleitet uns oft auf Baumklettertouren und beim T5 Geocachen. Sicherungsknoten zum Festlegen eines HMS – für die “Spezielle Rettung aus Höhen und Tiefen” SRHT Feuerwehr
  • Maçon – Mason Knot???  Need example
  • Square (Box) Stitch – paracord/boondoggle/scoobie keychain.  Video
  • Circle Stitch – paracord/boondoggle/scoobie keychain.  Video
  • Эшафотный узел – Scaffold Knot???
  • Tumble Hitch (12) – Quick-release draw loop similar(but more secure) to the Highwayman’s hitch.  Video, Link
  • Mooching Leader – fishing
  • Slim Beauty – fishing (7) – Use the slim beauty knot to attach heavy monofilament to braid line. Great for when you have fish with teeth and don’t want to use wire or when fishing in heavy structure and need extra security. Video, Video 2. Improved Slim Beauty video. German: Slim Beauty Knoten
  • Jewelry making knots
  • Japanese Omamori Tassel Knot – Used on Japanese amulet/charm.  Video,
  • Prohaska Bowline / Janus Bowline / Double Bight Bowline (2) – Climbing. Invented by Heinz Prohaska.  German: Prohaska-Palstek
  • Inline Bowline (2) – Tie a bowline in the middle of a rope. Two loops but different structure than Bowline-on-a-bight.
  • Tuck Blood – Excellent fishing knot.  See video at 5:00 mark
  • Obi Knot – Used to tie the belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.  Dutch: obi knoop
  • Karate belt knot (2)– Karate – Video, link
  • Beer Knot – The Beer Knot (Fig. 332) is based on a slipped Overhand, like a Marlinspike Hitch is.
  • Champagne Knot – Variant 1: Champagne knot (Fig. 336) is based on a slipped Figure Eight. Variant 2: Champagne knot (Fig. 340) is based on a slipped Overhand.
  • Snake knot/Serpent Knot (12) – Paracord / Decorative used for a lanyard or bracelet, Zipper pull,  key fob. Also Lanyard bead tie off.  Video
    On sailboats,  to help pull lifeline gate rings etc; otherwise for key rings, zipper pulls, etc. Another link.   Video Spanish: nudo de serpiente Video.
  • Karash Double Loop / Fusion Knot / Karash Knot (10)- rescue, caving, climbing, firefighter.  Attaching a climbing rope (SRT) to two anchors. Easy to adjust like Bunny ears, but has internal friction that prevents the knot from failing if one loop is cut. Proposed by the FFS as an alternative for the Bowline on the Bight in situations where clipping a single loop may occur. Other uses, e.g. rescue. In the Swedish speleological association we call it the Fusion knot. It is a knot widely used in caving which does not have the risks of the double bowline and comes undone more easily than bunny ears. French: Nœud de fusion or nœud de chaise double en huit  Video, link.  Also a rewoven version (chaise double en huit tressé/tricoté  see video at 6 minute mark.) Also see details from Cindi L email (link, video), See Brendan B email (link)
  • Sailor’s Hitch / Sailor’s Knot (3) – secure hitch that will not jam and can be used to attach a smaller rope to a larger one. link
  • Gripping Sailor’s Hitch (3)- A secure, jam-proof hitch used to tie one rope to another, or a rope to a pole, boom, spar, etc., when the pull is lengthwise along the object. Said to be even more secure than the Icicle hitch.  Video
  • Pipe Hitch (7)- A hitch-type knot used to secure smooth cylindrical objects.  Similar in purpose and structure to the Icicle Hitch.  Also see Stopper Knot below.
  • Stopper Knot – Same as Pipe Hitch? Similar in purpose to the Icicle Hitch.  Often used for pulling conduit or a smooth cylindrical object.  See video.
  • Icicle Hitch (middle method / rope end method) (8) – Method for when you don’t have access to the end of the pole or spar. Used by yachties when using as a snubber as the end of the anchor chain.  Video
  • плетение ковриков ( rope mat).
  • Recuperação de corda / Nós de Fuga – Climbing – Rope for Recovery in Rappelling
  • Bunny Ears with Tail – Italian link, Variant of bunny ears but with tail, can be used with the abok 1047.
  • Bale Sling Hitch (2) – A knot which traditionally uses a continuous loop of strap to form a cow hitch around an object in order to hoist or lower it.
  • Marline Hitch / Cable Lacing (2) – Similar/same structure as the Killick Hitch but used in maritime applications and Sea Scouts.  The marline hitch is a series of overhand knots spread out over a length of line or a spar. It’s great for bundling lengths of long stuff together, such as a mainsail to a boom, all the lines attached to a mast removed for transportation, and wires to make a cable.  Also used for cable management.
  • Chain Hitch – A knot used to connect a rope to a cylindrical object. Similar to the marline hitch, but formed with successive Clove hitch knots.
  • Axle Hitch (4) – Designed to tie between two points to create a center pull point. Typical use attaching a line to a relatively inaccessible object, such as a vehicle axle, ABOK #162, #1850.  Video
  • Come Along – Mechanical advantage system with self locking that acts as a “come along”.  Comprised of an icicle hitch, slip knot and double reeve of working end through the slipknot. 
  • McCarthy Hitch (4) – Camping/shelter rigging.  Simplifiled Trucker’s hitch (mechanical advantage) to secure a tarp to an anchor point (e.g. stake or tree trunk).   Video ( Start at 3:00 and again at 6:10).  
  • Tensioning knot – Camping. Trucker’s Hitch variant used for tarps, flys and tent lines. uses a larks hitch for loop. Video
  • Abspannknoten – Guyline hitch / Trucker’s hitch variant  pdf
  • Guyline Hitch
  • Guyline system – knots for tents, tarps, & hammocks. Slippery loop and 3 other tent knots from Andrew Skurka. Video
  • 3 knots Ray Mears uses for his tarp and hammock – siberian hitch, tarp taut hitch and his guyrope hitch (Ray’s own versions of these three)
  • Tent guy line coil – How to coil a tent gut line for storage.  Video.   In the you tube I like the way he describes how you start from the tent end and after making the bundle you start coiling round from the outer ( away from the tent) towards the tent when putting a coil around the bundle.  At the end  when he demonstrates pulling out he ends up with a small knot.  This is prevented in the last lock.  If you pass the working end through the last coil from the end away from the tent, tucking it under, and locking.  In the video the last coil he folds over the top last coil which causes the knot.
  • Tarp Corner Knot / Multi-turn Slipped Sheet Bend – Not sure of the real name. Similar to a multi-turn slippery Sheet Bend for attaching a rope to a tarp or tent or privacy screen (German: Planen/Tarp/Sichtschutz) corner without grommets or where the grommet has torn out . Video
  • Suturing Knots (6) – Medical/Surgical sutures. e.g. simple interrupted, continuous suture, mattress, double mattress.  Another reference.  suture patterns link. video
  • Aberdeen Knot (2) – Surgical : Ideal ending of sub cuticular continuous suturing with resorbable material if knot is to be invisible for cosmetic reasons. Mechanically very stable and believed by many to be the strongest surgical knot. Video
  • Nayfield Knot – Suture knot stronger than the Surgeons knot.  Invented by veterinarian Dr. K.C. Nayfield circa 2021
  • Academic Knot (2) – Surgery and climbing (Russian: Академический узел)
  • Surgeon’s Square Knot (2) – for wound closures and suturing.  Video
  • Medical bandages and slings.
  • Good Luck knot – decorative (video)
  • Single strand star knot – decorative (video)
  • Celtic button knot (10) – stopper/decorative (video, video), paracord pace beads.  Russian: Кельтская кнопка
  • Doubled Celtic Button Knot (2) – ABOK#545.  Decorative
  • Dragonfly knot – decorative (video)
  • Super Knot – fishing
  • 4 strand round knot
  • Kara Eight Loop / Kara-8 (2) – Climbing – Fast friction knot as a reverse lock when tensioning ropes. (German: Kara-Acht Schlinge  See email)  Video. Releasing a Kara-8 under load: PDF
  • Archery Knots, e.g. “peep on string”, dloop
  • Parcel / Package Knot
  • Chain knots – Knots for use in chains rather than rope.  Useful for those in agriculture, mining and manufacturing.
  • Mariners hitch
  • HFP Slippery 8 Loop – Adjustable loop
  • Rolling Bend – Used for pulling wire
  • Anchor Splice or Rope To Chain Splice (2) – To attach an anchor line to an anchor chain. A knot that will work with an anchor windlass.
  • Estar hitch / Dyneema halyard knot (3) – useful for slippery lines such as Dyneema as it does not slip and retains 50% of the line strength. developed by Evans Starzinger. Video
  • Estar stopper knot (3) – Bulky stopper. Dyneema or spectra rope, regular knots DO NOT hold, came across a mariner, Evan Starzinger, on forums that has modified some well known knots to be able to sustain the new type of cordage. Bulkier than the Oysterman’s Stopper Knot. Developed by Evans Starzinger. Video, Video 2
  • Miller Knot (2) Fishing version different than bag knot.  Created by Joe Miller in 1980.  Video by Joe Miller
  • Fish-N-Fool Knot (3) – Fishing – The strongest knot available to connect fishing line to hook. (See Knot Wars)
  • Reverse Albright & Lock – fishing, tying braid to mono or larger diameter fishing line.  Video
  • Willis Knot / Leadcore knot – fishing: connect mono or fluorocarbon to leadcore fishing line.  Video
  • Ladder lashing / Bridge Lashing / Continuous Lashing (3) – (Portuguese: amarra contínua) Video
  • Amarra Continua (2) (Brazil / Portuguese Name)  Bridge Lashing?  para fazer prancha de mesas e assentos e encostos de cadeiras e outras utilidades.  Video
  • Floor Lashing / continuous lashing (3) – connecting several spars side by side for making flat surfaces. (needed for the Pioneering BSA merit badge) Video
  • Double Floor Lashing – Used to make a platform floor, raft, deck, or walkway.  Portuguese: Amarra Continua
  • Japanese Square Lashing / Mark I, MKI – Alternative to traditional square lashing. A way of connecting two sticks or poles at a right angle. Portuguese: Amarra quadrada japonsq video
  • Japanese Diagonal Lashing –
  • Filipino Lashing (3) – alternative(superior) to the diagonal lashing.
  • Snake Lashing – for lashing small poles on the base
  • Tripod Lashing / Figure 8 Lashing / Spear Lashing (9) – for lashing 3 poles – typically to create  a stable tripod structure in pioneering.  ( German: Dreibund, Dreibeinbund)
  • Parallel Lashing – Round lashing variation.  German: Parallelbund / Längsbund genannt
  • Cross lashing with Rosette – Square lashing with a decorative rosette (rose shaped) finish. German: Kreuzbund mit Rosette
  • Double Pitzen (4) – Fishing.  Video
  • Globe Knot – Decorative. Video
  • George Harvey Dry Fly Knot – Flyfishing dry flies.  Allows the fly to sit properly on the water after the cast. Check one of the Lefty Kreh fishing knot books for instructions on how to tie it…
  • Double San Diego Jam Video – Fishing – tying hook to line
  • RP Knot / Royal Polaris Knot (7) – Fishing – used for joining braid to fluorocarbon or mono.  Spectra to mono.  Used by many professionals.  Video
  • Noeud Rémy – Noeud autobloquant pour l’assurage du second de cordée. Voir aussi noeud Lorenzi. Noeud Rémy
  • Noeud Lorenzi – Noeud d’assurage du second de cordée autobloquant. Voir aussi noeud Remy
  • Pro Knot  / Wilson Knot (5) – Tennis racquet.  Dutch: Tennisrackets bespannen
  • Parnell Knot (4) – knot for racquetball and tennis stringing. Tennis racquet knot invented by Richard Parnell.  Regarded for its sublime simplicity, the Parnell Knot is the most-used knot on the tour. The knot was first filmed at Wimbledon 2003, where it would gradually gain great recognition across the world.  Video 1 Video 2
  • PC Knot – Tennis stringing knot video
  • VS Starting Knot – Tennis stringing knot video
  • Tennis Anchor Knot – Tennis racquet video
  • Slip Knot – used like a cowboy lasso that pulls tight around an object
  • Twin Bowline / Interlocking Bowline (2) – Join two lengths of rope. Easy to untie after heavy load has been placed on rope
  • Interlocking Long Tail Bowlines (2) – SAR (high angle rescue). Interlocking long tailed bowlines create a simple, redundant Master Attachment Point(MAP) that does not require any hardware, provides two separate attachment tails, and can accommodate a three way pull. Video 1 Video 2
  • Double Long Tail Bowline (3)– SAR.  Rescue litter and patient attachment (Similar but different from Interlocking Long Tail Bowlines).  This is a very common knot in the rescue sphere. It’s used to attach a rescue and belay line to a litter or stretcher. This team member doesn’t use snap version but you can see where it’s utilised. I’m qualified in steep angle rescue, however we don’t get to use it that often.  Video, Video
  • Vice Versa Bend – joining two ends of rope/ cord
  • Double Butterfly knot – forms two fixed loops in the middle of the rope.
  • Improved Becket Hitch – Extra wraps for use on slippery webbing.  video
  • Double Becket Hitch – tying unequal size lines. Towing
  • Clew Knot – Hammock – Video
  • Rat’s Nest knot / Gordian Knot – a jumbled, tangled, untie-able mess.  Just for fun!
  • Bollard Hitch / Pollerstek – Mooring to a bollard
  • Add the following to the boating section: coiling of linen, traps, mooring, ropes / hawsers. Original German: In Rubrik Boot: Aufschießen von Leinen, Fallen, Festmachern, Tauen/Trossen
  • Cinching knot – cinching knot used in climbing, usually with a caribener
    Trident Loop – Climbing, Proposed replacement for the figure 8.  German: Dreizack-Schlaufe
  • Rope handle – a rope handle comprised of a chain sinnet and bowline used in sailing with control lines.  Video
  • SF Knot (3) – Fishing knot to join braided line with monofilament.  Portuguese: Nó SF
  • Stren Knot – Fishing knot – mono to braid – Video
  • Roeder Knot – Surgery – arthroscopic sliding knot named after MD Developer.  Video
  • 梅結び (Plum Knot?) (2) – Decorative knot that looks like a 5 petal flower.  Chinese Knotting style.  Video
  • 几帳結び (Kicho knot?) – Decorative knot. 3 loop shamrock style knot with a square/friendship looking center.  Video
  • Quilter’s Knot – Quilting (video)
  • Cawley Hitch
  • Long Splice / Line Splice (2)- joining two ropes, while maintaining close to the same diameter.  Allow the splice to go through pulley or block.  Video
  • Rope Grommet – for making rope rings – Video
  •  It would be very very helpful if, when describing the Fishing knots which is the thick and which is the thin cord (eg Albright Special). It is similar when braided is connected to monofilament.
  • ABOK 1164, 1165 & 1166 – Usage: All lovely decorative knots often found in “knot display” cases and each an elaboration of the previous with the first (1164) based on the handcuff knot with the two loops half hitched.
  • ワイヤー南京 – 利用方法:荷締め、救助、その他.  Tie down and rescue.
  • Improved Alberto Knot – Fishing.  Braid to fluorocarbon. Eliminates tag end that can catch. Video
  • Nœud pour hameçon à palette / Nœud de Mitraillette – fishing/pêche
  • Marine Anker – Zierknoten (See email photo)
  • Sherpa’s Knot – lacing boots. This knot is popular with hikers and has many variations.
  • Bobber Stop Knot (3) – Fishing – adjust where the bobber stops on your fishing line.
  • AG Chain – Fishing Jigs. Extremly strong terminal knot. Video – When casting large surface lures to hard fighting fish the AG Chain knot is one of the most favoured by sports fisherman. This is because of its incredible strength and shock absorbent quality.
  • Queen Clara hitch (2) – Tied to spar or as a messenger line to a larger rope.  The queen Clara Hitch is a knot invented by Dr Harry Asher and published in 1986. It is designed to be tied to a spar or other larger rope.  Video
  • Allison Bend – tie two lines together – Two identical half hitches placed together.  (One over the other ). Pull the tails through the loops    Tails drop 90 degrees together from the lines.
  • Add a darker/black background perhaps with an amoled option to the list of selectable color schemes/themes. (3)
  • Seilverkürzung – gletschertrekking, hochtour/bergsport.   (Rope shortening knot used in mountaineering).  Video
  • Twisted Dropper Loop (2) – fishing. Same as dropper loop but improved by making the loop stiff to minimize tangles. video
  • Sebile Knot – fishing line-to-line
  • Rope-to-chain Splice – allows an electric windlass to feed the rope and chain in and out of an anchor locker.  Video
  • Double Locking Half Hitch / Light Aircraft Tie Down Knot / Awning Knot /ABOK #1854 (5)- Securing a small airplane.   Related to the Rolling/Midshipman’s hitch. Video, Video
  • Penberthy Knot / Spiral Prusik – Climbing prussic variation/rescue. Penberthy discussion link.
  • Advanced twisted Paternoster fishing rig -Well worth using when dropping baits and fishing in deep water. Video
  • Spanish Windlass (3)- ABOK #2022 – mechanical advantage (lever) device.  See IGKT topic on windlasses. another link German: Spanische Seilwinde
  • Grapple Hitch – ABOK 1471 & 1231.  Similar to Adjustable Grip Hitch but superior.
  • Suggestion – Mark the ends of the rope with a different color to better see where the end goes.
  • Rosebud Knot – Stopper Knot
  • Knute Hitch – The Knute Hitch is a simple knot that can be used to attach a lanyard to a tool, or dummy cord any gear with a lanyard hole.
  • Andalusian Hitch (3) – Caving and climbing, rappelling.   Portuguese: link, video: Nó Andaluz, Spanish: Nudo Andaluz
  • Additional firefighter knots from training course for RSB, Regiment of Firefighters of Lisbon. (In Portuguese).  See pdf.  Figure of Nine/Nó de Nove,  Triple Bowline/Nó de Três Seios,  Nó de 2 F`s, Figures eight with safety overhand / Nó de Oito Tricotado
  • Calvary Knot – traditional horsemanship, horse/mule  Video
  • морковка / Carrot Knot (3) – Fishing, connect mainline with shock leader.  English translation = Carrot Knot.  video video2
  • Nodo Torino – (Italian) Used to make a harness (Bowline on a Bight?)
  • Nodo Milano -(Italian) Used to make a harness
  • Add knots for eye-less hooks – fishing.
  • Gary Martin Knot / World’s Fair Knot (6) – Created by Gary L. Martin of Lafayette, Indiana this terminal tackle knot was selected by a panel of outdoor writers as the best new, easy to tie, all-purpose fishing knot in Dupont Corp’s Great Knot Search.  German: Weltausstellungsknoten, Martins-Knoten, video, link
  • Double overhand used for making rope halters – when tied it makes a X on both sides. This double overhand is made with two different parts of the line. This knot is one of two knots used to make a halter, Fiador is the other.
  • Nó de Corrente Simples – Rope storage – simple chain – video
  • Nó de corrente dupla – Rope storage – Video
  • Harp string knot – Securing harp string to hold from sound board to peg 47 psi
  • Seaguar Knot / Triple Eight (3) – Fly Fishing – Line to leader, leader to tippet.  Recommended by field and stream : , video
  • Kryston Non Slip Loop – Fixed loop for Fly Fishing.
  • Dock Rail Hitch – Attaching the weight-loaded dinghy lines to the Rockport Boat Club float rails. Every spring one knowledgeable person tries to teach the volunteers the correct way to tie this knot.  Video
  • Bottle Cork Tie – securing cork in bottle
  • Apothecaries hitch / Apothecary knot (5) – Used for champagne bottles. Used for bottle closure with cork in olden times.  German: Apothekerknoten , Czech: Lékárnický uzel
  • Champagne Knot – Securing a cork in a bottle (version of Apothecary Knot?)  Image from this website
  • Bottle Sling – Alternative bottle knot tying methods. video 1, video 2, video 3 Russian: Бутылочный узел
  • Swammi Belt/Harness – emergency climbing harness.  Video
  • Ander Hitch – Easily untied handle to pull on.  Invented by Troy Ander.   Video
  • Simplified Shoelace tying method – alternate method for helping kids learn to tie shoes.  Also for Occupational therapy shoe tying – This comes out just like a slipped reef knot, but is easier for people with limited hand use or low IQs. I’m in a special ed classroom right now trying to teach it and wishing I had one of your animations. Notice they don’t care if it’s more of a proper square knot or more of a granny knot.  Video
  • Shoelace knot with extra wrap.
  • Barrel Shoelace Knot – Sperry’s classic boat shoe lace stopper
  • Seaman’s Shoelace Knot (3) – a shoelace knot that does not come untied; from the LL Bean website for slippers with rawhide laces. Video
  • Ian Knot (5)- Shoe Laces – Video
  • Ian’s Secure Shoelace knot (2) – shoelaces
  • Turquoise Turtle Shoelace Knot – shoelaces
  • Surgeon’s Shoelace Knot (2) – shoelaces. Used to tie shoelaces of varying diameters to reduce their opportunity to untie during walking as they rub against clothing or other fabrics. Hiking, Camping, Misc
  • Shoelace Double Loop / Hikers knot – shoelaces. Less likely to come undone.
  • Marshall Lichty’s Double loop – Shoelaces.  Possibly the same as Ian’s Secure Shoelace Knot.
  • Better Bow Knot – A more secure alternative to the “regular” shoelace tying bow knot.
  • Bow Knot / Shoelace knot – Italian: nodo a fiocco
  • Berluti shoelace knot (7) – This is a superior knot for shoe laces, symmetrical and stronger than the standard Parisian knot. Very easy to untie, it will not come undone on its own. The “Berluti knot,” which is named after Olga Berluti. Berluti is a famous shoe brand known for their patinas. The pros of the Berluti knot are it’s really tight, it’s centered, it lasts all day, and it looks very elegant. The cons are that it’s a bit more unusual to tie and needs a bit of practice and maybe a bit more time, especially when you’re just learning the knot.  video video
  • Parisian knot – shoelaces
  • Lacing Methods (2) – Add various methods/patterns for lacing shoes
  • Ribbon Bow Knot – tying a bow in ribbon like material.  e.g. pajama/pyjama belt, decoration, hair bows.
  • Rebeck Knot (3) – The ultimate fishing knot. For strong lines like braid.  Featured on Knot WarsVideo
  • Alpine Butterfly End Loop – Identical in structure to the Alpine Butterfly but tied at the end of the rope
  • Double Alpine Butterfly (3) – Climbing.  Anytime two non-collapsing clip-in points are required in the middle of a rope.  Mechanical Advantage.  video
  • Rethreaded Alpine Butterfly / Alpine Butterfly Follow Thru (3) – Technical Rescue / SAR.  Continuous rope rigging through anchor or other. Tying a secure multi directional loop around a fixed object.  Used in climbing to secure an rope to a rappel ring or to a belay loop of a harness. video, video
  • Bunny Alpine Butterfly / Alpine Bunny Knot – Climbing. Attach ring to centre of rope
  • Jansik Special (3)- Strong fishing knot for attaching to a hook or lure. Video, video
  • クロスベンド (Cross Bend) – Stronger and more compact than the double fisherman.  Invented by Makoto Jinbo of Japan.  See Reever Knot.
  • Cross Knot – Make a ring on the end of a rope.  Invented by Makoto Jinbo of Japan.  See Double Reever Knot
  • ダブルクロス (Double Cross Bend) – Stronger than the double fisherman.  Invented by Makoto Jinbo of Japan.
  • Shortcut Bowline / Spilled Bowline (3) – alternative tying method (faster) for the standard bowline.  Video
  • Berkley Braid Knot – Fishing.  For Tying braided lines to hooks, lures and leaders. It was developed in the Berkley lab to retain good knot strength and stops braided lines from slipping out of the knot.  Video
  • Hicking Knot
  • End of line Loop Jam – Fixed loop at the end of a rope.  Video: 3 Jam Knots that do it all
  • Ohio Jam Knot – Used for attaching a line to another line.  e.g. Trout Line.  Also useful for attaching a line to a toggle.  Video: 3 Jam Knots that do it all
  • Sliding Double Fisherman’s Knot / Double Fisherman’s Sling – Used to capture a carabiner and prevent cross loading the carabiner when the loop in unweighted and then weighted again.  Video
  • Peachknot – Der Peachknot der als Markierung Knoten dient
  • GT Knot (8) – Fishing – Braid to mono or floro.   link  Video video, video
  • Hook knot / Domhoff / Domhofknoten / Hakenknoten (3) – Fishing.  Attach a spade or eyeless hook to a line or leader.  Video Spanish: nudo del anzuelo
  • Spade Hook Knot (14) – Fishing knots for spade end hooks where the hook has no eye.  Tying the leader directly to the hook. German: Plättchenhaken-Knoten.  Russian: spade =лопата, spatula = крючка , Portuguese:  De Pesca para anzol de patilha/pata , Chinese: 鱼钩结: Polish: Węzeł na haczyk łopatkowy
  • Double clove hitch
  • Running half-hitch and passing knot – the running half hitch secures a package going one way, and the passing knots are used to come back on the other side to keep the half-hitches tight and in place. Passing knots are also used for weaving a string trellis going in the horizontal direction.
  • Adjustable Bend (3) – Two versions.  One based on taut-line and one based on adjustable grip hitch.  This is a great bend if you need two joined but adjustable lines or two lines that can readjust to a changing load. It is essentially a set of twin “Adjustable Grip Hitches/Adjustable Loops” that are tied around each other’s line rather than the grip hitch tied around its own loop. Created by Canadian climber Robert Chisnall. (See page 52 of Geoffrey Budworth’s book THE ULTIMATE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF KNOTS AND ROPEWORK. 2003.)  video
  • Iron Fist Knot (2) – Electrician’s wire pull. Wire gripping technique that doesn’t damage wire.  Video
  • Noeud de Dufour (3) – Abseil on a single strand when one of the two strands is damaged so unreliable. Video., French: Noeud Dufour (Different than what is already in the app (Chain Sinnet). Video, video, link
  • Knots for eyeless hooks
  • Broach loop – Decorative paracord loop.
  • Stone Knot / Stein Knot (7) – a releasable knot often used in canyoneering to isolate both sides of a rope.  A blocking knot technique that can improve safety and speed things up on canyoneering descents.  Used mostly in canyoneering to rappel with a fiddlestick. This knot is similar to a marlin spike slipped but used primarily for canyoneering when ghosting a canyon. Video
  • Figure 8 Block – Figure 8 block is used to rappel as a contingency anchor with a figure 8 rappel device. The benefit to this is if the first person rappelling can’t touch the ground they can be lowered by someone above.
  • Kösteği Ana Bedene Bağlama – Fishing. Video
  • Nanofil Knot / Double Palomar – Fishing.  For use with “slippery” Berkley NanoFil line.
  • Backup Knot – a double overhand knot (half of double fisherman’s) added to the primary knot for additional security.
  • New Buntline Hitch (Constrictor, Buntline combination) – Discovered by Le Tuan of Vietnam.  Video
  • Flip Flop Winch / Kochanski Flip Flop Winch (3) – Mechanical advantage device that can be used pull a heavy object (e.g. a truck out of mud, etc)  Video
  • English Trucker’s Hitch – Trucker’s hitch variant for 3-1 mechanical advantage. Can be used in tree work.  Video
  • Rack Knot – A type of lashing for creating an alignment of straight rods connected to each other.  Can be used to make a floor, billboard display, drip tray, top table, bridge top, etc. French: Noeud de claie
  • OXO cleat hitch (3) – tie a mooring line to a cleat.  Video, video, German: OXO-Knoten
  • Cooper’s Hitch – Friction hitch used by arborists. Alternative to the Valdotain Tresse to which it is similar in design and function.  Video
  • XT Hitch – Friction hitch.  Variation of the Valdotain Tresse.
  • Painter Hitch / Buoy Knot (5) – Quick release hitch used by campers, cowboys, sailors and divers.  Perfect for dog leashes and leads.  Used in boating and commercial diving. Video  Video. Similar to Highwayman’s Hitch and Tumble Hitch
  • Sambô Knot (3) – Climbing, anchor.  Portuguese: Nó Sambô
  • Spring Knot – Climbing.  Portuguese: Nó Mola
  • Belonesi Knot – Climbing.  Portuguese: Nó Belonesi
  • Lucky Knot – Modern friction hitch used by Arborists.  Video
  • Clinch-Shockleader Knot – Fishing – Joining lines made up of two different materials. German: Schlagschnurknoten Video
  • Shock Leader Knot – Fishing, running line to shock leader.  video
  • Gleipnir Knot – Binding Knot – Invented by Tony Dahm and first mentioned at IGKT circa August 2009.  The Gleipnir is unique in that it holds even when the knot-proper is not against something (most binding knots have to be leaning against a convex surface or another part of the knot to hold properly – like a Reef Knot or a Constrictor).  Video
  • Double Loop In-line Figure Eight – Rescue knot
  • Eskimo Loop – Not to be confused with the Eskimo Bowline.   Used to attach a bowstring to the bow.  Used in Fishing and  hunting and  allows quick adjustment of the size of the loop.  Russian: Эскимосская петля
  • Oner Knot – a bend based on the figure eight.  Only example I can find is this youtube video
  • Oner Bowline – Alternative Bowline.  Invented by  öner aktürk
  • Oner Loop – Loop knot. Invented by öner aktürk
  • Oner Stopper Knot – Stopper knot invented by öner aktürk
  • Oner Ivy Knot – video
  • Ezelius’ adjustable grip hitch – The knot gives good grip and has a wide range of use. Functions well on a wide range of rope materials, including slippery types like polyamide (nylon) and high-modulus polyethylene (Dynema™). Attaching cord can be of same or smaller diameter.  This new knot resolves some of the disadvantages of other knots – e.g. better grip and easier to dress.  The knot has been published in the Magazine “Knotting Matters” of the International Guild of Knot Tyers in the June 2020 issue.  Named after the inventor, Kasper Ezelius   IGKT discussion
  • Ezelius’ adjustable loop – Loop version of the Ezelius’ adjustable grip hitch (See above)
  • Stockman’s Bowline and – Secure a horse to a rail.  Video (See 5:30 minutes in)  Video Video (Quick release)
  • Knots for tying wire bundles (2) – Used Aviation and in vintage tube type electronics. Video
    • Single Cord Lacing
    • Double cord lacing
    • Lacing Branch Off
  • Knots for storage of audio cables (microphone, etc.)
  • Electric Wire twist knot – proper way to join two wires.  See video that demonstrates two common but inferior methods plus the correct way to twist two wires together.  See video at 7:15 for correct way.
  • BHK / BFK – Climbing Anchor. A simple way to make a redundant Masterpoint using two arms of an anchor cord.  Video
  • Mad Cow Hitch (may have other names) – towing quick release.  Video
  • Trailer hitch knot / Tow Knot (3) –  Quick release hitch.  Spanish: Nudo para remolcar
  • Lindeman / Linderman knot (3) – Fishing
  • Snub knot / Snubbing Knot (2) – Used by Electrical Linemen and Stage/Theater .  Friction hitch used to temporarily secure an out-of-weight line-set until the weight can be adjusted. One end of the “snub line” is secured to the rail with a fixed eye knot, such as a bowline. The other end of the line is snubbed to the operating line. This Snub knot is one of several that can be used for this purpose.  Also used in theater for a similar purpose.  Efficiency=50%  Video
  • One-handed Bowline (2) – Rescue.  French: noeud de chaise d’une seule main, Polish: Węzeł ratowniczy na sobie video
  • Garda Hitch / Alpine Clutch (9) – Climbing.   A ratcheting knot known for its ability to let the rope move in one direction, but not in the other. For ascending rope or pulling up gear.  link, video , video 2 German: Gardaschlinge, Gardaklemme, Garda-Rücklaufsperre, French: noeud de coeur link, Russian: Узел Гардаvideo
  • Kara Eight – Mountain Rescue – backstop (e.g. for pulley blocks). Used in the tackle as a backstop if no two identical snap hook for a construction garda hitch are available, but a carabiner and a figure eight . German: Kara-Acht-Schlinge
  • Schleifknoten beim HMS – HMS/Munter Hitch backup
  • Gelegter HMS – wie bei gelegtem Mastwurf ähnliche Vorgehensweise
  • noeud de va et vient – Climbing.  autobloquant unidirectionnel
  • Napoleon Claw (3) – Modified Cat’s Paw named after the creator’s cat.  A decorative knot used as a tie off in paracord. Video
  • Cat’s Paw – alternate method for attaching to a closed loop, e.g. a loop omn a fish hook.  video Russian: кошачья лапка
  • Half Blood – Fishing.  video
  • Marshall’s Snare – Fishing.  video
  • Stupid Leash – Fishing.  video
  • Penny Knot – Fishing.  video
  • Bowline on a coil (2)– Climbing.  Rock climbing Harness. The knot is recommended by the Association of Professional ( Ski ) Patrollers in low angle top-rope cliff rescue situations with the limited resources that a patroller would carry on their person ( e.g. a 7mm x 50m self-evac static line + 2 locking beaners ). It shouldn’t otherwise be used to climb in.  video Japanese: コイル巻きもやい結び
  • Swami Belt – climbing harness with multiple loops of webbing around the waist.
  • Tugman’s Hitch – Tying boat line to a Bitt.  Video
  • Soft Shackle Button Knot (4) – Boating, slacklining.  For making soft shackles. video, video, video, video
  • Chaim Hitch
  • Somerville Bowline – Among other things to protect trees, as the tensile load is evenly distributed over three loops.  Video
  • Reepshcnur Hitch – Mountaineering / Rappelling
  • Triple Clove Hitch – Canyoneering.  Carabiner block.  video
  • Single Löbby Chain – Shorten rope / rope storage.  Invented by Marc Löbbing
  • Fallenknoten / Rohringstek (2)  – Used in boating to attach a rope to a ring in a semi=permanent way as an alternative to splicing.  Video
  • Reverse Bowline – Mountaineering Video   Russian: Обратный булинь
  • z-rig / three-to-one systems – Search and Rescue mechanical advantage system. Used often in the field but difficult to learn.  It can be a complex system between the ropes and pulleys. You have one point that is the item you are trying to get (a person, vehicle, etc. something you want to move), 2nd point is an anchor (tree, vehicle, etc. something that is not moving) and the three is point is your leverage (person pulling, vehicle pulling, etc. something that is not moving).   Video 1 , Video 2
  • Speir Knot (spear knot) – Quick release knot invented by Lt. Col. Frank Spier during the Korean War.  Article from Boating Magazine , video
  • Dagger Bend – ABOK #1450.  Easily untied bend for large material.  Russian: кинжальный узел
  • JKnot – Fishing.  Attaching Braided Line to Fluorocarbon leader.  Video
  • Knots from the Boy Scout Book “Knots and How to Tie Them”:  Hanson knot, wall knot, weaver’s knot, slippery sheet bend, hunter’s bend, pipe hitch, stopper hitch, single and double blackwall knot, French bowline, man-harness knot, Girth hitch, Münter hitch (italian hitch),killick hitch, strap knot, diamond Hitch, Japanese square lashing, Japanese square lashing Mark II
  • Blackwall Hitch / ABOK #1875 (3) – The blackwall hitch is a temporary means of attaching a rope to a hook.  Has a ratchet-like effect for holding tension and can be easily spilled. For use as part of auto-ratcheting trucker hitch.  video, video
  • King Sling knot – Fishing.  strong, loop knot used for attaching terminal tackle to the end of a fishing line. It is commonly used by fly fishermen to attach crank-baits and streamers.
  • Nó Pernambucano – Climbing. Fixação em corda de mesmo diâmetro. (Friction hitch for use with ropes of same diameter)  video
  • Miner’s Knot – Holds well under constant load. Russian: шахтёрский узел
  • Peacoat Cordage – extending the Ulster collar to accommodate heavy layers under the sailors Peacoat.
  • Strap Bend – join two rope loops together with a loop left for attachment.  Similar to a sheet bend.  video
  • Heaving Line Knot (variant) – for adding weight to the end of a line to throw.  Video
  • Rattlesnake knot / Over and Under Heaving Line Knot / ABOK 541 – decorative.  video
  • Tugboat Bowline / Speed Bowline / Flying Bowline – quick way to tie a loop (similar in structure to the Perfection Loop) video, video
  • Threaded Perfection Loop – alternate end tying method for attaching to a fish hook.  German: Gesteckter Perfectionloop
  • Roman Knot (2) – Climbing knot similar to a directional Figure 8. Also used in fire and rescue. Portuguese: Nó Romano video
  • Triple Figure Eight Loop (3) – Climbers use this knot to belay or fasten a line to three anchor points. link French: Triple huite
  • Lizama Knot.  Climbing knot invented by Juan Carlos Lizama, a climber and mountaineer from Madrid. Spanish: Nudo de Lizama.
  • Joanet knot / Juanito Knot (3) – Climbing knot invented by Joan Ojeda. Climbing. Caving (Espeleologia). Spanish: Nudo Joanet (Nudo Juanito)  dropbox image, video, video2
  • Lobster Buoy Hitch – ABOK #1714. Similar to the buntline hitch, but made with a cow hitch around the standing part rather than a clove hitch.  German: Hummer Bojen Knoten
  • FB-Kreuzklemm – (FB=Franz Bachmann) Climbing friction hitch.  Superior alternative to the Prusik (see email).  PDF
  • FB-Bandklemmknoten – (FB=Franz Bachmann) Climbing friction hitch. Clamping knot, but superior to the Prusik. Can also be used on steel cables.
  • Leader Knot – Fishing.  Video
  • Caving Shock Knot – like an Alpine butterfly
  • Hay Hauler’s Knot – Tying down a variety of tarps or covers to a trailer. Like a boat cover or a tarp over a load of hay.
  • Single and double column hitches
  • Admirality stopper knot – More permanent and secure stopper knot  video
  • Fleur-de-lis Knot (2) – A decorative knot that looks like the Fleur-de-lis symbol used in scouting.  The plumes of the fleur-de-lis became symbols for Service to Others, Duty to God, and Obedience to the Scout Law.   Dutch: Franse Lelie, Portuguese: Flor de Lis Escoteira.  video
  • Chotki Knot / Prayer Rope Knot – The traditional knot used in some Eastern Christian prayer ropes.  Structurally the same as a Diamond Knot but the tying method differs.  Video , Video
  • Reverse wrap cordage (2 strand and 3 strand) – Method for making rope Video
  • Bear Knot (1) – Fishing. Norwegian: Bjørneknuten
  • Draw Hitch – quick release hitch.  Dutch: Treksteek
  • Triple Fisherman’s Knot (3) – Tree climbing.   recommended for tying slippery, stiff rope.  Same as double fisherman’s bit with an extra wrap on each end.
  • High Point Hitch / High Post Hitch / Courier’s Hitch (4) – The main feature of the hitch is that it is very secure, yet if tied as a slipped knot it can be released quickly and easily with one pull, even after heavy loading. The highpoint hitch is a buntline hitch with an extra half turn, making it more secure. Video  Russian: Курьерский
  • Slipped High Point Hitch – quick release version
  • Snowshoe hitch – Attaching a boot to a snowshoe.  video
  • Easy Blood Knot – Join two pieces of line.  Korean: 이지블러드노트
  • Brake Knot – Tie Brakes on a Paraglider.  video
  • Kimberley Knot -Tying to bridles without using a buckle.
  • Double Haywire Twist – Fishing.  Used for toothy fish, such as sharks, kingfish, wahoo, barracuda, and other predatory fish.  Video
  • Double Line Uni-Knot –  Tying your lure directly to fluorocarbon. Knot invented by Brent Ehrler.  video
  • Bandsaw blade folding method – 3 or 5 loop.  video
  • Carrier Knot / Pot Hanger Knot / Pot Knot / Plant Hanger Knot (6) – Knot for carrying, hanging or hoisting a pot (planter). Used to hang up objects such as planters or jars. Finished knot can also be used to more easily carry round or unwieldy things by the 2 loops on top.
  • Video, Video German: Trageknoten
  • Pipa Knot – Decorative/Jewelry/earrings/necklace.  The shape of the knot evokes the image of a Pipa – a stringed instrument dating back to ancient China.
  • One-way Sheet Bend / Tucked Sheet Bend / ABOK 1436
  • Shelter Structure Knot – Used in bushcraft in lieu of a traditional square lashing or transom knot to secure two spars at 90° angles.  Video
  • Dog Ear Coil – for storage and tossing ; emergency throwing that minimizes tangle; used by emergency services and treeworkers.
  • Fat Mono Knot – Fishing.  German: Fat-Mono-Knoten
  • 4-Way Force Bowknot – climbing.  Chinese: 四向受力蝴蝶結
  • Cable management/storage, cord management – video
  • Rat-Tail Stopper Knot (2) – yacht-marine – takes the load when the line is taken off the winch.  Video
  • Buffalo Bend / Double Halter Bend – Quick release paracord bend
  • Indian Ritual Knot – Camping/Rescue – This knot is used by campers to hang equipment, objects and food.  Spanish: Ritual de Indio, Nudos Ceremonial Indio .  (Similar to Triskelion Knot.  Dee Decorative Fusion Knots, pg37.)
  • Yoke Knot – An easy-to-tie line knot with very little thickening of the line. The knot is ideal for braided cord material, but can also be tied with monofilament cord.  German: Jochenknoten, Komposite-Knoten
  • Ghost Knot / Macrame Knot  – Rappelling/Canyoneering – For setting a retrievable rappel line.  video
  • Orvis Tippet Knot (3) – Fly Fishing. For adding tippet to leader. Also can be used to simultaneously add a tag dropper. Tippet to leader or tags for dropper flies to leader/tippet. Very strong and easy to tie. Similar to the J Knot in strength and most fly fisherman find that it is easier to construct than the Blood Knot.  Video, Video
  • Infinity Tippet Knot – Fly Fishing. Tippet to leader.  Structurally the same as the Figure Eight Bend.  video
  • Carrick Bend Mat – Decorative mat
  • Adjustable Double Loop in the Bight – Name unknown.  Adjustable double loop friction knot.  video
  • EBSB Bowline – more secure Bowline.  See Jolan E. email.  “An Analysis of the Structure of ‘Bowlines'” version 3.0 (free to download on
  • Lee’s Link Bowline – more secure Bowline.  See Jolan E. email. “An Analysis of the Structure of ‘Bowlines'” version 3.0 (free to download on
  • Alan Lee’s Yosemite Bowline variant – See Jolan E. email. “An Analysis of the Structure of ‘Bowlines'” version 3.0 (free to download on
  • Lee Zep Bowline – Discovered by Alan Lee in May 2012. Based on a Myrtle. See An Analysis of the Structure of ‘Bowlines'” version 3.0 (free to download on
  • Figure Eight with Yosemite Finish / Wagner Knot (2) Climbing. Rethreaded or double figure eight with tail tucked. Spanish: Nudo Wagner
  • Cable Lacing – method for tying wiring harnesses and cable looms, traditionally used in telecommunication, naval, and aerospace applications.   See also Marline Hitch and Cable Sewing Knots.
  • Marline Hitch – used to secure long bundles.
  • Lobster Tail – Webbing storage.  Video
  • Prussik Square Lashing / Prussik Lashing – Video
  • Single and double stoppers for tug boat and mooring ropes. – Used during mooring operations. The mooring rope is made tight using a capstan, then a separate piece of rope is used to as a stopper on the mooring rope to keep it under tension while another crew member removes the mooring rope from the capstan and ties it around the mooring bits. Then the rope stopper is removed. There are not many learning aids available for this, so adding it to your app might be help some people.
  • 8 lead 5 bight Turk’s Head – Decorative knot.  German: Türkischer Bund (5 Buchten, 8 Schläge). link
  • Crabber’s Eye Knot / Running knot with crossed ends – Knot will not slip with a steady pull load. Large top will slip until knot is taught. Bottom loop will not slip. Not a well known knot. Found in “Pocket Ref” book compiled by Thomas J Glover. Fourth edition  (see email for image)
  • Sergipano Bowline / Lais de guia sergipano – Knot for joining the ends of cords to form a jaguar safa. The advantage of this knot is that it is easy to undo it even after applying traction.
    We have already carried out a traction test with a 91kN cord from the courant brand, but without issuing a report. The knot broke with a tension of 564 kgf, which means that 62% of its breaking load was preserved.
  • tchotchkes – small object that is decorative rather than strictly functional; a trinket. tchotchkes made of rope.
  • Rope Block and Tackle – provides mechanical advantage to lift heavy objects! video
  • Camel Hitch / ABOK #215 – hitch for shifting loads and especially effective when wet, a fantastic outdoor hitch. Named camel hitch because camels slobber on their post hitches and other hitches can become loose! This can still be easily untied wet as well.  Video
  • Double Braid – Rope Storage method used by divers.  Similar to chain sennet.  Video
  • Hedden Knot / Hedden Hitch – Caving knot. Invented and used around 1960 by Chet Hedden….It is possible to get it to jam but it is easy to loosen and fair it. Chet Hedden described it in Summit Magazine, 1960. It is described as more reliable than the Klemheist and is usually shown with one less spiral turn.  video
  • Reeving 3 sheave block and tackle – rigging/construction.  Mechanical advantage system.  Video
  • Eight-Strand Chain Splice – To join eight-strand anchor line onto a chain seamlessly, this can run through a windlass (anchor winch) and has a very low chance of snagging or fouling on the seabed unlike other knots. Other alternatives such as three-strand are available and should be entered as their own knots. video
  • Tornado Knot / Tornado HH Knot (2) – Fishing.  Video
  • Laid Double Anchor – Bushcraft – Quick and easy way to tie up a sleeping bag or sleeping mat.  German: Gelegter Doppelter Anker
  • Manrope knot – Decorative Stopper Knot. Tied with a wall knot and then a crown knot and the lines are doubled to produce a decorative stopper knot. 
  • Bollard Hitch / Cross Bollard Hitch / Kreuzpoller belegen – a type of cleat hitch used to moor a boat.   Required for the German SBF Exam. (SBF See & Binnen Prüfung).  Video
  • Bucket Hitch – Attach a rope to a pole or handle.  Variation of the Anchor Hitch.  Video
  • D-loop – Archery.  Used on compound bows as a point to hook a mechanical release onto. The arrow is knocked between the two ends of the D loop. Video
  • Overhand Follow thru / Threaded Overhand Loop / Rewoven Overhand Loop – Military/Climbing German: Sackstichknoten (Tropfenform gesteckt)
  • Figure Eight Noose / Sliding Figure Eight – noose knot
  • Innomiknot / No Name Knot – Quick Release hitch (exploding knot). This one is very fast to tie. It takes its name from the Latin innominatus literally meaning having no name. It was allegedly used to tie down aircraft in world war two.  Video
  • Bristol knot / No Name Knot – Fishing – line to line  Video
  • Slipped Constrictor knot – Quick Release.  Same as regular constrictor but more easily undone.  Video
  • Slipped Double Lapp Bend – more secure version of the Lapp Bend.  Video
  • Luthier’s knot – attatching strings on string instruments such as guitars, mandolin, banjo, ukuleles ect.   Video
  • Stillson Hitch – Arborist knot.  Looks like girth hitch with two finishing half hitches. Used for fastening a rigging line to a tree or fastening an aerial walk to the tree.
  • Self locking Munter – securing a Munter hitch. Spanish: Nudo dinámico autobloqueado 
  • Splayed Portuguese Bowline / ABOK #1073 – Similar to the standard Portuguese bowline but the loops are splayed apart. I use this often when tying an object down with tie down points on either side of the object rather than directly opposite the object.  Video
  • Belgian Knot – Canyoneering/Climbing – adjust the length of a loop (sling of webbing) to a range roughly 50-90% of the loop’s total length. Video
  • Belt Tie / Ratchet Strap knot – Binding excess belt. Neat method for securing the remaining belt from a ratchet tie down.  German: Gurtkrawatte. Video
  • Bow String Knot / Manchu Bow String Knot – Archery. Tie a nonslip knot in bow string.  Video Chinese: 弓弦結
  • Double Dragon (end method) – One great advantage of the Double Dragon Loop is that it works extremely well in slippery rope such as Dyneema. Although I have not tested this, it is said that the Double Dragon Loop is relatively easy to untie, even if the knot has been heavily loaded.  Video
  • Sylvain Knot (2) – Sailing.  A variation of the bowline knot but with a better resistance when the tension in the rope is changing a lot. And still very easy to untie as the standard bowline. Invented by Sylvain Berger, a member of IGKT France.  French: Nœud de Sylvain
  • Jack’s Knot – Fly Fishing. Simple, minimal terminal knot that can be used in place of the clinch knot. Developed in 2011 by  Canadian Jack Miller, a member of the Derby City Fly Fishing club in Louisville, KY.
  • Kamikaze Knot / Cut Sheepshank – Kamikaze knot is a binding knot that remains tied under tension but becomes untied when tension is released. Use. Allows climbers rappelling down cliff faces to keep most of the rope used for the rappel, by tying the knot at the top, and shaking the rope when they reach the bottom. German: Kamikaze knoten
  • King Knot – Fishing.  Invented by Hajime Murata.  Japanese: キングノッ
  • Balloon Knot (2) – Climbing. Breaking Knot. Bulky knot with a balloon-like shape. The balloon knot is a braking knot that is particularly voluminous due to its balloon-like shape and, in the event of a fall, cuts into the edge of the crevice and could make it easier to hold the fall. German: Ballonknoten video
  • End Bound Single Bowline / EBSB – Climbing.  See Bowlines_Analysis.pdf at  Video
  • Douglass Hitch – tie boat to a bull rail when the dock line is very long. Video
  • BassGangsta (2) –  FISHING LURES ,HOOKS ;BRAIDED LINE AND FLUOROCARBON LINE. See email for video. video
  • Belegnagel / Koveinnagel (Nail cleat hitch in English?) – Tie off a rope. Used in sailing, especially on tall ships. Video
  • Needle Knot – Connecting leader to fly line
  • Chest Harness – Personal security/rescue in fire and rescue services. German: Brustbund. See email for illustration.
  • Slipped Snap Bowline – Quick release bowline. Video
  • Gandalf Knot – Caving and speleology. Allows you to connect two anchors in series. Based on a Figure Eight Loop, but with a second loop at the tail(opposite) side of the knot and secured with two half hitches. Italian: Nodo Gandalf Video
  • Versatackle (8) – tensioning a load. clamp, hoist and tension. Mechanical Advantage friction locking alternative to trucker’s hitch. Video, Link
  • Roman Figure Eight Knot – Caving/Climbing. Polish: Ósemka rzymska (See email attachment)
  • Crochet stitches – I would like to suggest to add a new category for Crochet Stiches. Yes, there is over 150 different crochet stiches/patterns, but most of them base on 3 simple ones. And the first one you already have! It’s the Chain Stitch, it is the base almost for every crocheted piece. Next two is down below. It’s very beneficial to know how to crochet and sometimes can be life saving and just simply fun too.
  • 3 wire underwriters knot – wiring a cord with 3 wires. video
  • Sail Tie Knot – Secure the main sail to the boom video
  • Bear’s Grip Hitch (3) – self-releasing knot – Kamikaze knot variant for repelling loads with the possibility of recovering the rope. Also used to lower an item down to the ground while retrieving the rope after dropping the item.  video
  • Secured JSa Fireman’s Coil – Rope Storage. Improvement of the “JSa Fireman’s Coil” – adds a higher load carrying capacity to the JSa Fireman’s Coil while maintaining easy releasability with one pull.
  • Zip-tie knots (2) – Various replacements for zip tie. video
  • Rescue Eight Descender – video
  • Corned Beef Knot / Salt Pork Butcher’s Knot – Packing Corned Beef. Similar to Packer’s Knot. video
  • Pickett Knot / Prusik Loop – Prusik version of the Magnus hitch. Camping. Adjustable guyline knot. Italian: Nodo Picchetto, Mezzo Prusik.
  • Seizing Bend – Knot used to tie a thin line to a thick rope. The Seizing Bend is a good alternative to the Racking Bend and a bit easier to tie.The Seizing Bend was created and first published in 1986 by retired research scientist Dr. Henry Asher. video German: Zeisingstek
  • Kochanski Jam Knot – Canadian Jam Knot variant tought by bushcraft instructor Mors Kochanski
  • Scythian knot – Russian: Скифовский узел. A somewhat obscure knot sent in by a user from Russia. Superficially looks somewhat similar to the Kalmyk. Used on Tuna fishing vessels. See webpage or email for more details. The Scythians were a nomadic people who lived between the 7th and 3rd centuries BCE. They are best known as skilled horsemen, warriors, and a dominant force in the steppes of Eurasia, particularly in the region stretching from modern-day Ukraine and Southern Russia to Central Asia.
  • Camper Knot / line tensioning knot – Interesting use of a larks head knot in tensioning a tarp or tent line. Nice quick release/dissolve feature. Video
  • Sherpa Knot/Tibetan Trekking Knot/Surgeon’s Bow – shoe tie, affix goods and articles (curtain to a batten for instance)
  • JRB Hitch – Arborist. Self exploding/quick release but very secure knot for arborists. tied in the bight. Based on the highwayman’s hitch. Developed by JRB Tree Climbing. video
  • Full CEM Knot – Ghost knot. CEM = Cañonismo en Mexico. Ghosting is a rappelling technique where you retrieve your rope without leaving anything behind. There is a trigger, or a loose strand that you don’t want to pull until you do, as it will undo the fancy slip knot you tied at the anchor. Video of 7 different ghost knot techniques.
  • Ghost Knot with Hardware –  Toggle or fiddlestick. Video of 7 different ghost knot techniques.
  • Engineer’s Knot / Fiddler’s String Knot – Used in laying out string on a construction job site. Attach to a nail while keeping the string taut. Easier and more stable than a taut-line hitch. Video (see 6:41)
  • Robe belt – Bushcraft – quick rope belt. video 1 video 2


  • Transom Knot (3)
  • Adjustable Grip Hitch (3)  Useful knots page
  • Double overhand sliding loop / Poacher’s Knot (2) Useful knots page
  • Klemheist Knot / French Machard knot / French Prusik (18) – Friction Hitch used in climbing. (Italian: Nodo Machard, nodo autobloccante, usato nelle manovre di corda.  French: Nœud de Machard Français , auto blocant)
  • Orvis Knot (4) – Fishing Knot.  Improvement over Davy knot. Easy to tie on the water.   Animation
  • Underwriters knot / Electricians knot (4) – keep an electric cord from putting strain on connections  ( e.g. In a lamp)
  • Kalmyk Knot / Kalmyk Loop (6) – Slipped version of Eskimo Bowline.  Video.  Russian: Калмыцкий узел, wikipedia
  • Eskimo Bowline /Sitka loop / Cossack Knot / Anti-Bowline (3) – applications where the loop is stretched wide
  • More lashings
  • West Country Lashing – Create a longer pole from two poles.
  • Tarbuck Knot (3) – Adjustable loop developed by Kenneth Tarbuck for use by climbers, and was primarily used with stranded nylon ropes.  German: Tarbuck-Knoten, French: Tarbuck
  • FG Knot (36) – Braid to fluorocarbon leader tying for fishing.  Award winning knot for strongest mono to braid knot and reduce’s the drag of the knot through the eyes of the rod.  FG Knot – Video.   Synonyms: Sebile Knot, The Delph Knot and The GT Knot. French=Nœud de raccord tresse.  Alternate tying method that might be easier to animate.  German: FG Knoten.
  • Heaving Line Knot – for adding weight to the end of a line to throw.
  • Marlin Spike Hitch – Used for hammock camping among other things.
  • Surgeons Knot (5) – Usage: Fishing – for tying two lines of unequal width together. Easier than a blood or barrel knot.  Animation
  • Clove Hitch (5) / Mastwurf (alternate method) – loops formed and then slid over the end of a pole.   In German, Mastwurf gelegt (slipped over) , vs Mastwurf gestochen (around)
  • Davy Knot (Davey) fly fishing knot (11) – Simple knot used in a variety of ways (in the garage or some fishing applications). used for securing a fishing line to an artificial fly. Much easier to tie and smaller than a Clinch Knot. This is super easy to tie and is a highly rated knot for fishing.  Usage: tiny flies or small lures  Video.   The knot is the creation of Davy Wotton, who is a Welshman relocated to Flippin, Arkansas.
  • Double Davy (Davey) (3) – Fishing
  • Cowboy Bowline (also called Left Hand bowline or Dutch Marine bowline) (8)  Version of Bowline used by Dutch and German Navy and Soortbootführerschei See (German Boating license)
  • Pile Hitch (2)
  • Schwabisch Prusik (5) – typically tied with eye to eye split tail, used by Arborist. video
  • Packer’s Knot / Butcher Knots (Abok 187, 408, 2083) (19) Chinese: 包裹結, German: paketknoten
  • Distel Hitch (10) – Friction Hitches for Single rope technique (SRT). friction hitch. Very often used by arborists. When combined with a small pulley, it is an  improvement over the Blake hitch as it can be adjusted with one hand. The best knot for this purpose.  Video
  • Valdotain HitchValdotain Tresse / VT – (10) (friction Hitch use in the Professional Tree industry) Friction Hitches for Single rope technique (SRT). Variation of the French Prusik, tied with a eye to eye split tail, used by Arborist.
  • Blakes hitch (5) aka “Slip-or-(k)not” used by Arborists  (friction Hitch use in the Professional Tree industry)
  • Tripod Lashing (Plain Turns) – create  a stable tripod structure in pioneering.
  • Racking Bend, Докерский узел  (2) – Join two lines
  • Trucker’s Hitch 
  • Truckie Hitch / 南京結び / なんきん結び /Wakos transport knot (12) (Trucker’s hitch variant used extensively in Japan)  トラックに荷物を縛る, Alternatively called the Truckie’s Hitch in English.  Another example.  Also Double Truckies Knot, or Double Shank Hitch.  Spanish: Carioca ou Nó de caminhoneiro , Portuguese: Nó Cearense
  • Euro Death Knot/EDK/Flat Overhand Bend (7) Italian: Galleggiante, German: doppelter Sackstich – für die “Spezielle Rettung aus Höhen und Tiefen” SRHT Feuerwehr
  • Diamond KnotLanyard/ knife lanyard knot (28) – Decorative/Arborist Terminal Knot, Spanish: Nudo Diamante(nudo cordón de cuclillo) / Turkish:Çift ipte düğme / German: Diamantknoten (Zierknoten/Decorative), / French: Nœud de sifflet de bosco / Italian: nodo diamante / Swedish: Sjömannens Hemlighet or Diamantknop / Chinese: 鑽石結 / Russian: Бриллиантовый, Алмазный Dansk: Diamantknob Deutsch: Diamantknoten Nederlands: diamantknoop Svenska: diamantknop (på dubbel lina)
  • Common Whipping (6) (ie rope whipping knot as described in the scout handbook)
  • Harness Bend / Dropper Loop/dropper knot (7). Usage: Fishing/Fly fishing  (Swedish: Upphängarögla, German: Drop-shot-knoten)
  • Masthead Knot (Jury Mast Knot)
  • Lashings (Square, Diagonal, Sheer)
  • Monkey’s Fist (2)
  • Turk’s Head Mat
  • Turk’s Head Mat Woggle (7)
  • Double Constrictor (5) – extremely tight permanent binding
  • Barrel Hitch (4) – The “barrel hitch” and “barrel sling,” named for their use in hoisting cargo aboard ships, are a simple yet effective way to suspend an object.  Chinese: 桶結
  • Mooring Hitch (2)
  • Highwayman’s Hitch /Draw Hitch (3)
  • Yosemite bowline (3)
  • Double Coin Knot
  • Double bight figure 8 / Double Figure 8 Loop / Bunny Ears
  • Double Fisherman’s Knot
  • Double Grinner (Uni to Uni Knot, Duncan)
  • Icicle Hitch – end of spar method
  • Tensionless Hitch
  • Fireman’s Chair
  • Grapevine Knot (abok294, Double Fisherman’s)
  • Inline eight
  • Snell Knot (16)  Usage: Fishing,  Video,  Knot wars video
  • Siberian Hitch (7) Video (aka: Evenk knot) Usage: Bushcraft
  • Farrimond Friction Hitch (25) – Great easy to use sturdy quick release hitch for camping and many other uses where you need to increase or decrease tension in a line. Such as in setting up tents, tarps or hammocks. Similar uses to a taut line knot but easier to break down when you’re ready to break camp.  It is useful when the length of a line will need to be periodically adjusted in order to maintain or adjust tension whilst remaining quick and easy to untie.  Youtube example.  And another video
  • Cleat Hitch/Halyard Knot  / Cleat Knot (2) – Flagpole
  • Magnus Hitch / ABOK #1736 (2) – similar to the taut line and rolling hitch.  French: Noeud de bosse
  • Midshipman’s Hitch (3) – Same structure as rolling hitch but around itself to form a sliding loop.
  • Nail Knot/Barrel Knot/abok#295 (Italian: “knot of the tube”)(7)
  • Fireman’s Coil (4) – rope storage.  Chinese: 消防员收绳结
  • Sailor’s coil (2) – Coil tie that wont untie from handling. Great for storage where it wont be hanging like in a car.
  • Gasket Coil (14) – (aka Buntline coil) rope storage knot used by climbers for storage of rope (roll up rope/cable/cords)  (video)  Italian: adugliare una cima Russian: Бухтование веревки
  • Backhand Hitch (9) – ABOK #1852 for hitching to posts. Also a knot widely used by Riggers in the movie industry. Known in the industry as “The high tie knot” or “High Safety Knot” . VideoBackhand Hitch and another link .  Swedish: Yrvind knopen
  • Clove Hitch on a Carabiner / Two Loop method (5) – Under the climbing section you show a Munter Hitch tied to a carabiner. A similar diagram for the clove hitch would be great as it is used a lot in climbing. It is used to attach the middle of a rope to an anchor. It can take a significant load and is easy to adjust.  German: Mastwurf
  • Japanese Square Lashing / Mark II Square Lashing (10) – An alternative to the traditional square lashing for light spars and staves.  Recently added to the 2016 Scount handbook (pg 374)  video
  • Non-Slip Loop Knot / Kreh Loop / Lefty Loop (16) – Leader to fly.  Used for any fishing application which may require an end loop, but particularly prevalent in fly fishing for a livelier artificial fly presentation is desired. Video
  • Lighterman’s Hitch / Canalman’s Hitch / Tugboat hitch / Backhanded mooring hitch (7) – ABOK #2046 –  Quick but temporary way to tie up a small craft to a bollard. Taught by RYA ( Royal Yachting Association: national body for dinghy, yacht and motor cruising) and mandated by MCA (Maritime and Coastguard Agency)  for professional boat masters. Video video 2
  • Chain Sinnet / Daisy Chain / Monkey Braid, Monkey Chain / Contractor Wrap (12) –  ABOK #2868 – Used by climber’s for shortening and/or storing a rope. Also used as a means to store an extension cord without twists or tangles (Contractor’s Wrap).  Video  Russian: Веревочная цепочка, Мартышкина цепочка (узел) , German: Kettenstek (Knotenkette)- Video , Japanese: チェーンノット
  • Friendship Knot / Square Knot (14) / Scoubidou Knot / Boondoggle Knot / Neckerchief / Scarf Knot- Scouts use the friendship knot to tie off their neckerchiefs (also known as neckers or Scout scarves).  Japanese Success Knot – (Dutch=Vriendschapsknoop, German=Freundschaftsknoten – Verwendung als Abschluß am Halstuch als Zierknoten.  See email photo. Danish=Firknob or Venskabsknob, French: noeud carré, Portugues: Nó da Amizade ou nó quadrado, Japanese:  Success = kanau  = desire realized.  German synonym: Chinesisches Auge The “Chinese Eye” can be used with all four ends can be heavily loaded. Can be used for the jib sheet or as anchor leash for catamarans.)  Video
  • Halyard / Halyard hitch / Jeanneau Halyard Knot (7) – compact hitch used in yachting/boating/sailing – used to bend a line on to some sort of shackle or clip (a halyard shackle being the eponymous example) on a more-or-less permanent basis, but are too lazy (or ignorant) to be bothered with actually splicing the line on to the hardware. (video).  Swedish: Fallknop
  • Mountaineer’s Coil / Alpine coil / Climber’s Coil (5) – Traditional method used by climbers to store and transport a climbing rope.  video German:  Alpine Seilpuppe
  • Turle knot / Turtle Knot /Turrel Knot (11). Usage: Fly fishing – to securely tie a fly (small nymph flies) on a leader. Named after Major William Greer Turle, an English angler who popularized the knot but did not claim to have invented it. (required for fishing merit badge) Video (Danish: Forfang til flue) Chinese:鈎孔結, French: noeud turlle ou noeud de tortue, German: Turtle Knoten
  • Film and Stage category for Grips (4)  – There are a handful of knots that are used regularly on set. It would be incredible if there was a category just for film, or more specifically, grips. Grips are generally the guys on set or on stages tying things off. See: Knots Every Grip Should Know and this link and this one
  • Jar Sling knot (5) – alternate quick tying method (in the bight)  Video
  • Option to play the initial animation in a continuous loop (10).  – Can you include a feature that will play the motion of the knot in a loop? So we wouldn’t have to stop to press play over and over, if tying a knot while watching the video.
  • Portuguese Bowline / equalizing bowline / Bowline on a coil (6) – rigging, climbing, and rescue.  The two loops are adjustable in size. It can be used as a makeshift Bosun’s chair.  Allows load to be moved to either side  from the Anchor point.  Used in low angle rescue connecting to a stokes basket for its easy adjustment in equal tension.  Shared anchor system which allows you to adjust the direction of the fall line without having a dead leg in your anchor system. can also be used as a tensioned guy as video will show.  link
  • Spanish bowline (9) – Two loops in the middle of the rope. Can be used as a harness to lift a person.  German: Spanischer Palstek  video
  • Figure of 9 / Figure 9 on the Bight / Figure of 9 loop (12)  For- abseiling / rope climbing and caving. Necessary knot to know to qualify for IRATA rope access technician certification.  Spanish: Nudo de 9/  Nudo Nueve, German: Neuner, French: Noeud en neuf – le noeud en neuf est utilisé principalement comme noeud d’amarrage en spéléologie car il est plus résistant que le noeud en huit sa surface corde sur corde étant plus grande. Les cordes utilisées en spéléologie sont plus fines et statiques donc moins solides que les cordes d’escalade leur utilisation étant toujours statique.
  • Figure of Nine Loop / Figure 9 (6) – forms a fixed loop. same as figure 8 with an extra turn. In industrial climbing, it is occasionally used to tie a loop instead of the figure eight knot. It has a slightly higher knot strength than the figure-eight knot and is easier to untie after use. The multiple wrapping creates increased friction, which somewhat reduces the risk of noise when the material is smooth. (Break load reduction of only 23% instead of 35%) Video Russian: Девятка, German: Neunerknoten video
  • Becket Hitch (10) – Structurally similar to the sheetbend, The becket hitch fixes a rope to a closed eye or hook.  Used often in camping, specifically hammock hanging.  Video , video
  • Pitzen Knot / Eugene Bend / 16-20 Knot (8) – Fly fishing – terminal leader to fly.  Similar to San Diego Jam. ITS Video German: Pitzen-Knoten
  • Double Dragon Loop (6) – End of Rope loop (aka a better bowline). Climbing, harness, midline tieable. More secure than figure 8, easy to verify and untie after heavy load. videoVideo
  • Alberto Knot / Crazy Alberto Knot / Modified Albright (18) – Fishing – Mono to braid, braid to fluorocarbon leader.  Popular knot for Bass Fishing. For joining 2 fishing lines together. “chinese finger trap” or “chinese finger cuff” type knot. Video, link
  • Hunter’s Bend / Rigger’s Bend (14) Fixed connection between two ropes, even of different strength. Can be removed easily. Very nice, symmetrical knot.  Was introduced about 15 years ago as a new invention in the magazine Der Spiegel.  German: Hunterknoten / Hinters Bend,  Russian: узел Хантера, Polish: Węzeł Huntera
  • Swing Hitch / Rope Swing knot / Tire Swing Knot (4) – For tying a rope for a swing to a spar or branch.  Similar to a clove hitch but more secure, even when subjected to a shifting load. See email attachment. Russian: Качельный узел video
  • Add a Glossary (14) – Knot terminology & basics. Add a knot terminology section to the app
  • Alpine Butterfly Bend (9) – used to join the ends of two ropes together. A study of eight different bands using climbing rope of equal diameter said the sheet bend was weak. The butterfly bend did the best. Video.  (Russian:  Соединяющий австрийский проводник)
  • Double Dragon Bend (6) – Secure alternative to the Sheet Bend
  • Double Harness Bend / Harness Bend – general purpose bend knot used to join two ropes together. The knot can be tied under tension and will not capsize.
  • Edwards Bowline / Butler’s Bowline (2)– Climbing.  Mark Edwards’ (or Harry Butler’s) Yosemite Bowline variant – See Jolan E. email. “An Analysis of the Structure of ‘Bowlines'” version 3.0 (free to download on  Video by Mark Edwards (2014).  Mentioned in forum in 2011. Internet Archive 2003 mentions Rowland Edwards.
  • Reever Knot / ABOK #1420 (4) – secure bend for joining two ropes. It is secure and resistant to being shaken loose when subject to intermittent loads. Structurally the same as the Vice Versa Bend.  Video
  • Scaffold knot / Triple Overhand Noose (7) – cinching knot used in climbing, usually with a carabiner.  German: Zweistrang-Bändselknoten
  • Scott’s Locked Bowline – more secure Bowline.  See Jolan E. email.  “An Analysis of the Structure of ‘Bowlines'” version 3.0 (free to download on
  • Slipped Buntline Hitch (3) – Camping/Tarps.  Video
  • Slippery Hitch / Slipped Clove Hitch (3) – Quick release hitch.  German: Webeleinstek auf Slip Video
  • The Tenkara “One Knot” (3) – The one knot you need to know.  Tippet to level line and tippet to fly. Used for Tenkara (Japanese fly fishing) fishing.  video (Same as poacher’s knot?)
  • Add a basic/practical/essential knots category (11).  Wikipedia most useful knots list 
  • Add an Arborist Category (5). See German: Baumklettern
  • Scuba Diving Category (3) – All of the knots are already there but it would be nice to have the most common scuba diving ones used in the same place for easy reference. video
  • Caving category (2) – climbing knots specific to or popular in caving.
  • Military Knots (5) – Army Ranger knots, Mountain Warfare, Sapper Leader’s Course.  Army Mountain Warfare School pdf. Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training. German Heeresbergführer/Army Mountain Guides.  Italian:  Nodo da battelliere semplice, Nodo da battelliere doppio, Portacava metallico, Fascia Portacavo
  • Ground Line hitch / Spar Hitch / Miller’s Knot / Sack Knot / Fender Knot / Picket Line Hitch, ABOK 1243, ABOK 1676 (7) – Similar but more secure than the common clove hitch. Also slipped version. IGKT discussion video
  • Slip Figure Eight / Figure Eight Slip Knot – Military application. Forms an adjustable bight on a rope.  See Army Mountain Warfare School pdf. video , video
  • Boom Hitch (3) – To attach rope at 90 degree angles to a tube or pole, very sturdy and hard to untie unlike a clove Hitch.
  • What if we could use two fingers to rotate the knot and one finger to advance and retreat the animation?
  • Triple Bowline / Triple Loop Bowline (2) – Military and rescue applications. See Army Mountain Warfare School pdf.  video, video
  • Lapp Knot / Lapp Bend / Gym Shorts Knot / False Sheet Bend / Quick Hitch (Arborist name) / ABOK 1224 (4) – The Lapp Knot is a useful way to tie two ropes together. It’s appearance is similar to a sheet bend, however the Lap knot comes equipped with a slip knot for easy untying.  This knot is great for drawstrings. It works well on basketball shorts, sweat pants, and swim trunks. It’s also good to tie your scrubs. Can collapse into a Mooring Hitch (verify). Video 
  • End Line Prusik / End of Rope Prusik (2) – Prusik tied at the end of a rope rather than using a loop of rope.  For attaching a line to another line or spar.  Military application (Army Ranger Handbook).  Video
  • Quick Hitch (2) – used by arborists to quickly pull up a second rope
  • Munter Mule / Munter Mule Overhand (MMO) (22), Usage: SAR/Climbing. Climbing knot used for releasable rappels.  tying off a munter to go hands free!  Tying off an atc belay device.  Can be used as an anchor point for a single strand rappel. In an emergency if you use twice as much rope you can lower someone from the top. The mule part of the hitch is a tie off so it doesn’t slide when not intended.  German: Wasserklang , Bergrettungsknoten  Video, Video 2,  ITS Tactical (youtube Comments note it is tied incorrectly – mule does not capture both load and brake strands.)
  • Super Munter Hitch / Monster Munter / Zigzag Knot / Double Munter/ ABOK #1195 (6) – Rescue,  Used to lower heavy loads and abseil yourself. Video, video  – German: Doppelter Halbmastwurf, Doppelten HMS
  • Quick release / “slipped knot” category (10) – Add Quick Release category to the main menu and also on individual knot pages.  Knots that hold fast but can be released quickly with a tug on the tag end of a slipped loop.  e.g. slipped clove hitch, slipped sheet bend, slipped buntline, etc.
  • Quick Bowline / Snap Bowline (7) – another alternative tying method (faster) to tying the standard bowline. Video Video video
  • Poldo Tackle (5)  – The poldo tackle is an instant tension-applying and tension-releasing mechanism. The tackle allows for a 2:1 mechanical advantage using only rope. (Italian: tipi di paranchi: MEZZO POLDO, POLDO,  SEMPLICE, French: noeud a cremmailler).  IGKT Historical link, video. First described and shown in the Encyclop?die (1751 ), as ” noeud a cremmailler “. See the attached picture in IGKT link. Named in honour of Poldo Izzo, sailing instructor in Caprera. See email for version using carabiners to reduce wear on the rope. Comparison of Voodoo, Poldo and Trucker’s hitch.
  • Voodoo Hitch / Transport hitch / PM Hitch (Pure Magic) (4) – 3:1 mechanical advantage hitch similar in principle to a truckers hitch/self tightening.  Used by SAR/Swift Water Rescue/Tech Rescue.  Video, Video.  Voodoo with no Carabiniers.  Comparison of Voodoo, Poldo and Trucker’s hitch.  How to rig the voodoo and poldo paper.
  • Swiss Seat (13) – Search and Rescue, Military.  A Swiss seat rappel harness is a simple harness made from a piece of rope or webbing. It is good for those who need to make a harness on the fly, or for those who don’t want to buy a commercially made harness. Link,  Video – Greek: ελβετικό κάθισμα, Portuguese: cadeirinhas ou arnês afl ou X Cinturão de Segurança, Turkish: İsveç oturağı
  • Uli Knot / Heaving Line Knot – Military Demolitions – can be used (W/ Det.Cord) to prime explosives in absence of blasting caps.  Same structure as one type of heaving line knot.
  • West Country whipping (4) -wrapping, decorative (needed for the Pioneering BSA merit badge).  Russian: Западная марка
  • Flemish Flake – Rope Storage. Attractive way of temporarily stowing the end of a rope.
  • Triple Roll Knot (4) – Military Demolitions.  Join branches of Det. cord.
  • Woodland Zip Tie / Cow Hitch Lock Knot / Bedroll Knot (4) – Tensioning knot. Keeps tension as you are cinching it tighter, even if you let go. Useful for tying up tarps, sleeping bags, or other types of rolled material. video, video Korean: 조임매듭
  • Woodland Zip-tie Lashing / Cow Hitch Square Lashing (2) – quick, temporary lashing. video – see photo in email from AJ Rodriguez.
  • Franciscan Friar’s Knot / Triple Overhand Knot / Barrel Knot / Stopper Knot / Monk’s Knot / Threefold Overhand Knot / ABOK#517 (5) – Decorative, Boating, Religious.  Used in climbing as a stopper knot and the end of the rope.  Stop ropes passing thru clutch, rope tidy etc.  Makes a more pretty stopper than figure of 8 stopper. German: Franziskanerknoten,  French: Nœud de franciscain. Spanish: Nudo fraile,   Video  Friar’s Vows represented by the knot: obedience, poverty, chastity.  See here for some additional history and info.  Video differentiating Franciscan Knot from Capuchin Knot.  Currently the Double Overhand Knot is labeled as Capuchin Knot in Knots 3D (possibly wrong).
  • Capuchin knot / Multiple Overhand Knot / Heaving Line Knot / ABOK#535 (4) – Variant of the Friar’s Knot. Decorative or heaving  line.  Also see link. Mentioned in Des Pawson’s “Pocket Guide to Knots and Splices”.   German: Mehrfacher Überhandknoten, French: noeud de capucin video
  • Alpine Butterfly (Hand Method) (7) – Two alternate tying methods. When you’re using gloves in the cold, the hand wrap method is better and easier.   video
  • Bell Ringer’s Knot (2) – Shorten a rope (keep rope off the ground), quick release. Alternate use video for lowering equipment.
  • Killick Hitch /Kelleg Hitch (7)- A type of hitch knot used to attach a rope to oddly shaped objects.  Used in pulling a log.  Danish: mulestik ( brandmand knude ), link Japanese: 丸太結び (ログ・ヒッチ) video
  • Methods for coiling a rope (rope storage) (5) ロープのまとめ方(格納)
  • Necktie Knots (70) –  e.g. Full and half Windsor, Eldredge Knot, 4-in-hand, etc / German: Krawattenknoten, Schlipsknoten / Russian: узлы для завязывания галстуков, Noeud de cravate (simple)  Windsor / German: Windsor Knoten, Doppelter Windsorknoten, Portuguese: Gravata, Spanish: nudo de corbata. Dutch: List of necktie knots (Stropdas Knopen), Polish: Wiązania krawatów
  • Pedigree Cow Hitch (4) – More secure version of the common cow hitch when only one strand is loaded. Attributed to Harry Asher.  Video
  • Bull Hitch (6) – Climbing.  Similar to a cow hitch but less prone to slipping.  Safest way to clip into a Prusik Loop.  Also used in decorative paracord and macrame.  Video, Video 2
  • Piwich – Cow Hitch Variant
  • Canadian Jam (19) – Usage:Binding/Compression/bushcraft/camping.  Tie down bed rolls and tarps. fixation of poles at the bivouac. Butcher’s Knot (overhand version).  Same structure as Arbor knot but different usage. Strapping things together, a mix between the constrictor and the automatic truckers hitch.  Video 1, Video 2 , Video 3 – Jam Knots
  • Add a timeout/sleep setting (10) – keep the screen on while the app is running. This would be helpful while learning to tie a new knot.
  • Ossel Hitch (4) – A knot used to attach a rope or line to an object and a great all-purpose hitch. The ossel hitch is a knot used to attach a rope or line to an object. It was originally used on Scottish gill nets to tie small line to larger rope that supported the net. Ossel is actually the Scottish word for “gill net” and for the line attaching the net to the float rope. Ossel hitch works only on objects that are approximately the same diameter as the line, as the tail must be nipped under the initial turn, which if made on a larger object will have a gap between line and object. Video
  • Hanson Knot / Hanson Loop Knot (7) – Alternative to the Bowline. making a fixed loop at the end of a rope. The Hanson Knot was a popular loop knot for the Boy Scouts in years past. It is strong, doesn’t slip and is easy to untie after being put to load. Video, IGKT link
  • Snuggle Hitch (4) – A modification of the clove hitch. Stronger and more secure than a Clove Hitch it is used to attach a line to another rope or pole. video
  • Quick Release Jam Knot / Bundle Knot (4) – Quick release jam knot, similar to the Canadian Jam, but easier to untie. Video
  • Michoacan / Michoacán hitch / Martin / Martín Michoacáno Knot (19)- Arborist knot used for tree work.  First introduced by Martin Morales of Mexico, who called it the Martin Hitch, but later came to be called Michoacan after his birthplace.  Tied with an eye to eye split tail, similar to Blake’s hitch but a closed version friction hitch, used by Arborists.  A friction hitch tied around a thicker rope that can slide while unloaded, but locks when loaded. Full equivalent to Gripping sailor’s hitch.  Video
  • Knut Hitch / Knut Friction Hitch (7)- Climbing/Arborist. Progress capture.  Friction hitch introduced by arborist Knut Foppe. Very popular as it is easier to handle than the Valdotain, but still does not contract as quickly.  Video, Video 2.  French: Knut – Nœud autobloquant
  • Add a short usage description to listing  (5) – Add a short usage description to the list so you can quickly see what the knot is for without having to go into each knot and scan the description.  – e.g. Tying two lines together, Tying a line to a post, Storing a rope, Storing an extension cord, etc.


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