Knots 3D International Mentions

On December 16, 2013, in Blog, Knots, Reviews, by Administrator

We are thrilled that Knots 3D is being used all around the world!  We came across great reviews this week from websites located in the Czech Republic, Russia and Germany and found that Knots 3D is a required app for a college in Australia!

The first review is from Yachtmeni, a popular Czech Yachting website and Blog.


Aplikace je k dispozici pro operační systémy iOS i Android a stojí něco málo přes 20 Kč. Na trhu samozřejmě exituje spousta dalších apliakcí s uzly, ale nás pro svou jednoduchost, přehlednost a názornost nejvíce zaujala právě aplikace Knots 3D. Pokud nejste mistry uzlů, tak aplikaci určitě oceníte a to nejen na moři.

Jedinou nevýhodou by pro někoho mohlo být, že mezi 15 podporovanými jazyky chybí čeština a našinec si tak bude muset vystačit s angličtinou, němčinou či kupříkladu ruštinou. Ale k samotným názorným animacím vázaní uzlů stejně žádný jazyk nepotřebujete 🙂

Google Translate:

The application is available for iOS and Android operating systems and is a little over 20 CZK. In the market, of course, there are many other knot applications, but for us, the simplicity, clarity and presentation of Knots 3D was what most impressed us. If you are not masters of knots you will appreciate the application, and not only at sea.

The only drawback for someone could be that of the 15 supported languages, ​​Czech is missing and you will have to make do with English, German, or Russian, for example. But with the very clear animations tying the knot, you really do not need any language 🙂

Full review here:


The next review is from Androha, a Russian Android review site (Сайт для пользователей Android)


Графическая часть приложения выполнена на высшем уровне. 3D модели веревок тщательно проработаны и неотличимы от настоящих. Физика так же оставляет хорошие впечатления. Полностью отсутствуют малейшие зависания даже на самых слабых устройствах. Приложение быстро и четко распознает манипуляции с узлами, однако для корректной его работы в вашем смартфоне должна быть поддержка мульти-тач (минимум на 2 касания).

Google Translate:

The graphics part of the application is made at the highest level. 3D model ropes are carefully crafted and are indistinguishable from the real thing. The physics also leaves a good impression. The app completely lacks any delay on even the weakest devices. The application quickly and accurately detects manipulation of knots, but for it to work correctly on your smartphone, it should support multi-touch (at least 2 touches).

Full review here:


And in Germany, lists Knots 3D as one of the Top 150 Apps for Android.

Damit Sie weder Geld noch Zeit in unnütze Programme stecken und nur sinnvolle Programme herunterladen, hat COMPUTER BILD zahlreiche Android-Apps gecheckt und die 150 besten für Sie ausgewählt.

Fürs Camping, Segeln, Klettern oder rein zur Dekoration – mit Knots 3D erlernen Sie 87 Knoten und erfahren, wofür sie einsetzbar sind.

Google Translate:

So that you put no money and time into useless programs and download only meaningful software, COMPUTER BILD has checked numerous Android apps and the selected the 150 best.

For camping, sailing, climbing, or purely for decoration – with Knots 3D, you will learn to tie and use 87 knots.

Full review here:

And a couple more nice reviews from German sites:


And lastly, we found Knots 3D on a required apps list at John XXIII College in Perth, Australia under the “Outdoor Education” Learning Area.

The College has researched and tested a number of paid Apps during the past 12 months and has finalised a list of applications that will need to be purchased for the start of 2013.

These Apps cover a range of different Learning Areas and may not all be used at the same time in the same way, but will be integrated during the year for various topics and content.

Learning Area: Outdoor Education
Knots 3D

PDF file of required apps for John XXIII College courses:

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